快好知 kuaihz

61. Venerable but not fusty, privileged but not showy, secure its sense of excellence, but not arrogant, Oxford is, in a word, civilized. 62. The guy in question is the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a venerable federal bureaucracy that markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia river basin. 63. Similarly venerable is the local tea ceremony , which can last several hours. 64. "Charisma by Madame Tussaud", fumes venerable film critic Roger Ebert, as the film prepares effortlessly to hold its position at the top of the box office on both sides of the Atlantic this weekend. 65. A venerable building -- grey , even in the midst of the hoary landscape. 66. In the 1950s, voters were happy to elect venerable leaders like Winston Churchill and Konrad Adenauer. 67. May the Venerable Gotama accept me as a lay follower who has taken refuge from this day onwards while life lasts. 68. Dan Jenkins . Nearing his 79 th birthday, the venerable author still has his fastball. 69. My venerable Predecessor Pope John Paul II, who is with us at this moment, beatified and canonized a great many people from both the distant and the recent past. 70. There is, venerable sir, a clansman from Avanti named Isidatta, an unseen friend of mine, who has gone forth. Have you ever seen him? 71. Of course, some bodies, such as the venerable Bank for International Settlements (see article), still do a fine job. 72. I saw from the window venerable officials pushing wheelbarrows of archives to them. 73. There’s every reason to believe that today’s drug lords could go legit as quickly and easily as, say, Ernest and Julio Gallo, the venerable winemakers who once sold their product to Al Capone. 74. Sulfur dioxide has a more venerable history as an air pollutant than any other chemical. 75. And bombers, like the venerable B-52, used refueling so they could carry maximum bomb payloads over long distances from remote bases. 76. An elderly or venerable man. Used as a title of respect. 77. The writings of the venerable Origen were among his favorite targets. 78. Lying with eyes shut, the Venerable Master Kao dozed, snoring slightly. 79. His Nation of Islam represented a cultish offshoot of a venerable American movement, black nationalism. 80. Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor. 81. The vendor was a venerable Irishmen with a tongue that worked easily in the socket. 82. In 1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought. 83. Dreadnaught– May be Standard or Venerable, but Ironclad is not included. Start with Assault Cannon. May exchange for Multi Melta or TL Heavy Flamer (?). 84. For the past 27 years, the venerable white-bearded monk has lived at St. Anthony's Monastery, an outpost in Egypt's Eastern Desert. 85. Under the tutelage of the venerable shaman Drek'Thar, Thrall studied his people's ancient shamanistic culture, which had been forgotten under Gul'dan's evil rule. 86. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify . 87. The mugwumps of the Chinese politics would not swallow the bait certainly! Every eldership incarnate the noble character and the ethos of China and the civilization of the venerable east. 88. The Buick Motor Division of the General Motors Corporation is in transition, much like the rest of the venerable auto company. 89. The venerable Hypertext Markup Language is getting a face lift, too. 90. Venerable Chao Hwei argued that allowing this injustice to continue is uncompassionate as we are not doing anything to help these beings alleviate their suffering.