快好知 kuaihz

31. His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension . 32. Most skin cancers are completely curable. 33. I am completely disgusted at you. 34. He was standing there, completely bare! 35. The house was completely overrun with mice. 36. The seeds need to be completely immersed in water. 37. The storm completely denuded the trees. 38. He seemed completely engrossed in his book. 38.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 39. The stories being bandied about are completely false. 40. She completely overturned my preconceptions about film stars. 41. The school was completely destroyed by fire. 42. Are you being completely honest about your feelings? 43. The new plastic is completely inflexible. 44. He completely disregarded my point of view. 45. The wood has rotted away completely. 46. The river's broad mudflats were thought completely impassable. 47. I'd completely forgotten about the money he owed me. 48. I had completely misread his intentions. 49. The mystery has not yet been completely solved. 50. My reaction is completely appropriate. 51. Her illness has made her completely immobile. 52. Manchester United completely overpowered their rivals to win 40. 53. Live beautifully. Dream passionately. Love completely. 54. The tablet hasn't dissolved completely yet. 55. I got completely drunk at my sister's wedding. 56. The charity is completely reliant on public donations. 57. When I was ill I completely lost my appetite. 58. The cupboards had all been completely emptied. 59. The language was completely unfamiliar to me. 60. Some of the wood was completely rotten.