快好知 kuaihz

61. I am completely disgusted with her. 62. I was completely mesmerized by the performance. 63. He was completely beguiled by her beauty. 64. When it comes to money, Dan is completely irresponsible. 65. The detective is completely correct in his surmises. 66. He hadn't completely regained his strength. 67. The company went bankrupt, and it burst up completely. 68. Rev. Maclean: you can love completely without completely understanding. 69. We are completely dependent upon your help. 70. I was completely nonplussed by his sudden appearance. 71. The plane was completely burnt out after the crash. 72. They completely bollocksed up the game. 73. This old T-shirt has completely lost its shape. 74. He is completely lacking in responsibility. 75. She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour. 76. He has a mother completely dependent on him. 77. My father is completely exhausted. 78. He was completely impervious to criticism. 79. She completely disregarded all our objections. 80. Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road. 81. There was a danger of the ship breaking up completely. 82. The decision to include Morris in the team was completely vindicated when he scored three goals. 83. Desire causes suffering because it can never be completely gratified. 84. The movements of machines are completely automatic, you only need to start and stop the machines. 85. Nothing will ever completely replace playing the game I love, however I feel like I'm starting a new adventure. 86. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand the nature of the problem. 87. The cathedral was completely rebuilt in 1425 after it had been destroyed by fire. 88. Losing several matches in succession had completely demoralized the team. 89. With careful training, a dog will obey its master completely. 90. Waiting for you to come back into my life, is just an excuse for not completely letting go of you.