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91, Marina was sat in the stern, the wind moving her hair as she looked out over the water. 92, Ufford Park offers a stern test without being too physically demanding. 93, None the less, Stern has insisted that Nico has endeavoured to handle the case fairly. 94, Her own iron prow and cutwater were carried away, and she was otherwise badly damaged about the stern by the collision. 95, Perhaps the most authoritative Web site in the Stern universe is the one carefully maintained by Kevin Renzulli. 96, The boy Ezra was kneeling over the stern with the tow rope tangled in his hands. 97, Comment on the situation as revealed by the Balance sheet and profit and loss account of Stern. 98, Stern and serious moral advice to women on how to behave has a sweeter-natured sister. 99, Another flurry of Wayne Gretzky trade rumors were swirling Sunday, and they were met with more stern denials by the Kings. 100, The shoes took her by the church door, where she saw a stern angel with a sword. 101, Stern says he is tempted to try his luck as a candidate for mayor. 102, After some thought, I was able to cut the rope near the stern with my pocket knife lashed to a paddle. 103, With the two of them on board, the stern dipped until the gunwale was inches above the water. 104, A stern judgment indeed, but an accurate one none the less. 105, Who would have guessed, looking at that stern Capricorn exterior, that such a passionate man lurked inside? 106, But Stern has remained far clear of ever putting the ultimate question. 107, What began as a stern test ended as a laugher. 108, Rodman was disciplined for that incident too, which is why Stern nailed him with so harsh a punishment this time. 109, The Soviet boy stands straight, and salutes us with a stern expression on his face. 110, But he reminded reporters of the stern warnings issued Sunday by Gen. 111, He looked me straight in the eye with a stern glare. 112, Stern insisted that she come downtown so that he could explain this to her face to face. 113, Initially it seemed unlikely that this stern, aloof[http:///stern.html], and unpopular general would be the person to inaugurate a democratic tradition. 114, As time went on, the stern lessons of war began to filter back to the United States. 115, My father and I were visiting the family of a stern judge who was renowned for his unflinching rectitude and respectability. 116, He sat hunched by the stern cleat, knife ready to cut the Zodiac free. 117, The uniforms were different but the faces were the same: narrow and stern with a hint of cruelty in the eyes. 118, This act of gross indecency provoked stern disapproval from the tour guide. 119, The stern ramp is down almost as quickly as the anchor and the first mexeflote raft is soon manoeuvring into position .... 120, The court gave a stern warning against future attempts to scoop it.