快好知 kuaihz

31, They searched the ship from stem to stern , looking for the missing suitcase. 32, She can seem stern, but deep down she's a very kind person. 33, The ship's name was picked out in bright gold letters along her stern. 34, He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician. 35, We face stern opposition. 36, deeply shocked. You can use deep down to talk about a per-son's real nature:She can seem stern, but deep down she's a very kind person. 37, In the classroom the teacher is stiff and stern but after class he unbends. 38, The stern set of the officer's jaw made Tony realize he was in trouble. 39, In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code. 40, His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations. 41, Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship. 42, Howard Stern is one of America's best known shock jocks. 43, His grandparents were stern and self-righteous people. 44, His expression was stern, full of protective responsibility. 45, Why is Jennifer Stern, of all people, so important? 46, The boy had backed out of the stern. 47, I added my strokes at the stern. 48, Stern started every day by scanning the want ads. 49, The result is impressive but awfully stern and austere. 50, Water Gypsy shuddered from bow to stern. 51, Her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled. 52, Her voice was stern, just short of scolding. 52, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 53, All day the gale lasted, with big seas building up and beginning to crash into the cockpit over the stern bar. 54, Charles' stern order to Robert: Do not sleep with her, and do not fall in love with her. 55, Mark lashed the windmill to the inevitable bamboo pole, and we tried propping it near the stern. 56, His expression stayed stern and Fabia, trying to read his thoughts, started to squirm inwardly. 57, Not to be outdone, Stern went on television and made a speech of his own. 58, Two buckets hanging on the stern gathered a couple of inches of rainwater in a few moments. 59, They arch out to a five-foot width, then narrow quickly toward the bow and stern. 60, Stern warnings broadcast over the student public-address system in the evening of 8 October exacerbated the situation.