快好知 kuaihz

241. You should never put a cotton ball swab or other object into the ear conalcanal. 242. Abstract: The paper put forward principle and object of straight profile - circular plane worm's optimization design. 243. Object: Making use of computer technology to realize quantitative management of drug. 244. In film, television, still photography and the comic strip medium a - frames a person or an object. 245. Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia. 246. For example, the Summoning Charm brings an object to the caster. 247. Object : To optimize the extraction procedure of the total flavonoids Agi ( Artemisia Frigida Wild ) . 248. COBOL, a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program. 249. A phase power flow application based on CIM has been developed using object oriented techniques. 250. Icon A small pictorial representation of an object or function in a computer display. 251. A glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier. 252. Object To study the epidemiological and aetiological charactristic of infective endocarditis. 253. Product color because of printing chromatic aberration, take material object as. 254. The paper put forward principle and object of straight profile circular plane worms optimization design. 255. The cursor or a contour line of the graphics object must be in the snap range. 256. Abstract: A locking - based concurrency control scheme fo r object - oriented databases ( OODBs ) was presented. 257. The encounter difficulty was modified, as well as some object names and gate types. 258. The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object. 259. As with all object - oriented models, CIM has several layers. 260. In COBOL, a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program. 261. The object model we use are three non - coplanar lines which intersect at two points. 262. If infringe their contraindication, can cause local intense dissatisfaction and object. 263. To the problem of parametercoupling of alternator and controlled object, a FUZZY - PID control algorithm is adopted. 264. Also, Java virtual machines in Communicator and Internet Explorer support object - sign checking. 265. There was evidently some object which was arresting the passengers and forming them into a knot. 266. Infringement dissension is the major object with which the civil action mechanism deals. 267. This isn't the handicraft product, but art object in of strange Pa - handicraft embroidery! 268. The Dipylidium caninum , Ancylostoma and Toxocara canis are preponderance and the major object in repelling worm. 269. The method of using the BRDF to reproduction the chromaticity of object is feasible. 270. Objective To study the germicidal mechanism of chlorine dioxide with Escherichia coli as the experimental object.