快好知 kuaihz

(1) I'm relieved to hear that. (2) I was relieved to hear that. (3) This relieved us of part of our luggage. (4) Yes, I felt relieved to hear that. (5) My headache has been relieved. (6) She looked immensely relieved when she heard the news. (7) He relieved me from anxiety. (8) I am relieved to hear that this isn't true. (9) I was mightily relieved when we landed at Manchester airport. (10) I was secretly relieved when Ed said it was time to turn back. (11) The doorman relieved her of the suitcase she had been carrying. (12) We were relieved that Gordon had arrived at the wedding suitably dressed. (13) A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley. (14) She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin. (15) He feigned disappointment. Secretly, he was mightily relieved. (16) You'll be relieved to know your jobs are safe. (17) He was inwardly relieved that the test was cancelled. (18) I was relieved to hear the front door slam. (19) The general was relieved of his command. (20) You'll be relieved at six o'clock. (21) His mother was relieved to see him happy again. (22) Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses. (23) General Beale was relieved of his command. (24) I'm to be relieved at six. (25) The guard will be relieved at midnight. (26) Children cannot be relieved from supporting their parents. (27) He relieved us when we needed. (28) The thief relieved him of his wallet. (29) Who relieved me of my wallet? (30) She felt a nagging anxiety that could not be relieved.