快好知 kuaihz

61. The Houston police force was beset by charges of racism and brutality. 62. They are likely to be beset with other major changes associated with the second half of life. 63. But the many other problems that beset Florida on Election Day are far more deserving of a congressional investigation. 64. Each one, depending on his circumstances at the moment, feels and names the fears that beset him. 65. Because of these various difficulties a count of quangos is beset with problems. 66. With a roar, he turned on the harridans and flew at them, and the harridans were beset with physical chastisement. 67. Calcutta was then beset with unrest, and Hoppy was kept busy on internal security. 68. The problems that beset Ptolemaic astronomy were pressing ones in the light of the need for calendar reform at the time of Copernicus. 69. Profiteering price-hikes, and worsening inequalities between different social groups were the problems which beset Deng's reform programme. 70. If she'd been at home and beset by devils like this, she would most likely have gone for a walk. 71. Wars, revolutions, crimes all the evils that beset mankind could be traced to them. 72. Brookner probes with scrupulous attention, keen irony and a profound appreciation of the endless ambivalences that beset human relationships. 73. The Packers, meanwhile, have been beset with injuries, a little complacency and some inconsistent play by Favre. 74. The kinds of pathologies that beset the inner-city poor today were virtually unheard of in Brownsville or East New York. 75. Behind it lay a tumultuous precedent-one of the most disastrous incidents to beset the face of the earth. 76. Quite apart from the class conflict endemic in capitalism, the economic system itself is beset with instabilities. 77. The problems that beset Afghanistan are encapsulated at Kajaki. 78. Beset by ethnic strife, the province remains ungovernable. 79. Pandemics, plagues and pestilence have beset humans throughout history. 80. In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes. 81. They are beset with danger lurking in every direction. 82. We are a harried people, beset by oppressors. 83. This town is beset with towering mountains. 84. The company's core business was beset by competition, and it was still paying off mountains of debt from starry-eyed investments made in the dotcom boom. 85. Beset by such forces, small bones hardly stand a chance, which explains why paleontologists are so enthusiastic about finding a pint-sized predator in 75-million-year-old Canadian rock. 86. In the Life of Saint Guthlac, written around 740, Guthlac is beset by demons, whereupon he "sang the first verse of the sixty-seventh psalm as if prophetically, 'Let God arise,' etc. 87. Unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated. 88. Most important, China is beset by significant asset - price inflation that borders on an asset - price bubble. 89. But the European effort was beset by ambivalence at its core. 90. Paul, she believes Putin once beset the faithful as a Soviet KGB officer.