快好知 kuaihz

91. Riddled with a thousand gaping wounds , this reactionary clique is now beset with difficulties and contradictions both in internal and external affairs. 92. The same disease problems beset the broiler industry in the early stages of development. 93. However, each kind of material demonstrated that the university graduates start an undertaking the success ratio to be low, start an undertaking the path to be beset with difficulties. 94. It stands to lose over 70 percent of its current electricity supply when South Africa, recently beset by power shortages, halts energy exports to Botswana by 2013. 95. And while a successful Games would make it seem invincible , one beset by protests and complaints might also serve only to unite party and people in a defensive laager . 96. Our woods teem with them both, and around every swamp may be seen the partridge or rabbit walk, beset with twiggy fences and horse-hair snares, which some cow-boy tends. 97. That attitude has resulted in innumerable doctrinal errors that beset American churches. 98. Less than a decade ago, Germany was a bumbling behemoth beset by chronic unemployment and pathetic growth. 99. Is it easy to bear up when one is beset with difficulties on all sides? 100. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and beset mankind. - --- Thomas Carlyle. 101. The global economy, already beset by financial market turmoil and slowing US growth, is now confronted by the risk that the gradual decline of the US dollar could run out of control. 102. The course of history could never be smooth, and sometimes it would be beset with difficulties and obstacles. 103. The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems. 104. Both marine and freshwater fisheries are beset by a number of very serious human impacts. 105. Other banks have suffered declines in deposits , with the falloff at institutions beset with large losses. 106. The construction of Pipe Jacking is beset with difficulty due to the large propulsive force for several years. 107. In a few years I should be pinched, thin , and haggard,[http:///beset.html] beset with troubles and miseries. 108. These countries are beset by a chronic and serious unemployment problem. 109. Such logic two hundred years ago would have prevented expansion westward past the Appalachian Mountains, for assuredly the Eastern Seaboard was beset by problems of great urgency then, as it is today. 110. We were hopelessly outnumbered, beset by masses of armour, and almost surrounded. 111. Fancy an old friend of yours not lending you a hand when you are beset with difficulties.