快好知 kuaihz

61. In his short life he had run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder. 62. He always likes to squabble with others about petty matters. 63. Neale is finishing a three-month sentence for petty theft. 64. We're above all that kind of petty vanity, unfortunately. 65. Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices.Ralph Waldo Emerson 66. This isn't about some petty artistic vendetta. 67. Twenty-three years old. Petty thief. 68. We started having arguments over petty little things. 69. They are entered in the petty cash book. 70. Sometimes he can be so petty about money. 71. This will tend to incline them toward petty theft. 72. Do we in petty ways throw our weight around? 73. The sudden rivalries and petty jealousies. 74. Some in the West Wing suspected more petty motives. 75. Then I got arrested for some petty thing, shoplifting. 76. Down deep, Clive was unimaginative, inactive, petty, unquestioning. 77. Poverty entails fear and stress and sometimes depression. It meets a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts that is something on which to pride yourself but poverty itself is romanticized by fools.J. K. Rowling 78. This petty cash is kept on the imprest system, whereby the petty cashier is entrusted with a fixed sum of money. 79. He quit last week, citing office politics and petty jealousies. 80. Stretched to the limit ... police chief says petty crime is going unchecked. 81. Appendix 2 contains a full list of care centres for each petty sessions area. 82. The cases seem either petty or arcane, the investigations tedious or motivated by politics. 83. The quarrel had started over something as petty as who could spit furthest after eating half a ginger biscuit. 84. Just because some fellow employees have gone petty does not mean that you need to change your behavior. 85. And yet with what poetry did this petty man long for his niche and his pleasures. 86. The Home Secretary was not about to be seen as going soft on the petty criminal. 87. The place was suffused with struggle and resentment and frustration. Petty crime was commonplace. 88. In her jealousy she had taken her revenge in a series of petty actions. 89. Thus the headman had a veto over criminal prosecutions for the petty offences over which village tribunals had exclusive jurisdiction. 90. They had petty thefts of eggs or a chicken, but no robbery.