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1. The mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore. 2. The flood waters finally began to recede in November. 3. Cool colors recede, increasing the sense of depth. 4. Flood waters finally began to recede in November. 5. They will never recede like a xylophone. 6. After the waters recede, extensive lagoons and marshes are formed as the ground gradually dries out. 7. In fact, Hugh had seemed to recede further and further into the distance with every step she took. 8. He seemed to recede into a world of his own. 9. As the waters recede, their spawning tunnels can be seen in serried rows in the flood bank. 10. In the evenings, when I am apt to recede to a withdrawn vacancy, she will come to stroke my hand. 11. She felt the room recede sharply then start to whirl around her head. 12. Even when the waters recede, the town will count on aid from the World Food Programme for at least three months. 13. This time the wave didn't recede, this time it built, went on building, higher and higher. 14. Until the waters recede, California officials said they can not assess damage. 15. Hoomey and Nails heard its engine recede into the distance. 16. Earlier plot sequences recede into the past of the text; now Slothrop exists only in traces. 17. Recollection picture is piecing together, reminds my you to recede. 18. He had put on weight, and his hairline was beginning to recede. 19. Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede. 20. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede. 21. The consequence was that he returned a par 72 to recede into the pack. 22. I study the amber until the waves of indecision and conflict about leaving Joe and the house recede. 23. He had expected to be put under pressure, in the presence of the dying Mahatma, to recede from his position. 24. Then, the better we get to know some one, the more these symbolic signposts recede in importance. 25. What is misleading is the idea that Mr Bush will be able to recede into the background. 26. Note the perspective of clouds and colour in the sky; how the clouds recede in distance nearer to the horizon. 27. Interest rates of all types have been falling as the economy slows and inflation fears recede. 28. The roses swarmed in the heat-haze, seeming to flow and recede, seeming to peak and slide like waves. 29. Indeed, SunSoft hopes the whole Open Look versus Motif issue will recede with the advent of object-oriented interfaces. 30. Elsewhere in Northern California the surging rivers that have forced evacuation of more than 100, 000 people began to recede.