快好知 kuaihz

61. Pursue is a privately held energy company. 62. Daley was free of financial problems, to pursue power. 63. Scientists agree this is an exciting prospect to pursue. 64. He feels confident, dominant, and ready to pursue females. 65. Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career. 66. President Clinton is on the verge of deciding how best to pursue an international ban on land mines. 67. It is very difficult to pursue an issue when it is impossible to produce a detailed case. 68. We all have the ability to pursue our dreams. The only difference lies in the passion to pursue those dreams and make them come true.Dr Roopleen 69. It would be tragic if World Bank assistance is used to pursue the ineffective treatment regimen. 70. He resigned as Defence Secretary in July 1991 in order to pursue his presidential ambitions. 71. The Court of Appeal concluded that he ordinarily worked outside Great Britain and was therefore unable to pursue an unfair dismissal claim. 72. He tenderly can deflower a virgin, endlessly pursue a stunning model and still have time for a few other dalliances. 73. It has a number of clearly defined aims to pursue over the next three years. 74. The objective of the Resource Book is to allow your adult learners to pursue their studies in their own time. 75. What point has an ethical directive to pursue the general happiness addressed to beings who will necessarily seek only their own? 76. A few years later, it made timid and ephemeral attempts to pursue a progressive social policy. 77. Some of them continued to pursue him, or else Orestes thought that they did. 78. Of course, we should not be surprised that pressure groups pursue self-interested aims - that is usually why they are created. 79. An Act was passed in 1981 to pursue this aim and establish the new framework for special education suggested by Warnock. 80. It would not be appropriate to pursue that now. Regional selective assistance remains the main regional programme for industry. 81. We shall pursue the privatisation programme, and encourage private investment, both domestic and foreign. 82. You are simply there to have a good time or pursue a particularly delicious passion, when suddenly-it happens. 83. While journalists pursue newsworthy events, business-oriented management often makes decisions based on business considerations. 3. 84. It boils down to whether we want to pursue the truth or chase after unfounded beliefs that make us feel special. 85. Do administrations of the right pursue policies which have the opposite effects? 86. In addition the government would be more able to pursue policies designed to rescue collapsing firms and to reduce regional disparities of income. 87. Why deny Darnell an opportunity to pursue a life outside football? 88. All dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them.Walt Disney 89. Despite these criticisms, recent approaches to decision making have sought to pursue the rational approach. 90. To the extent environmental controls undermine our economic base, they threaten our ability to pursue the environmental goals we all share.