快好知 kuaihz

91. The bullet missed him by a hair's breadth. 92. He missed the target by a hairsbreadth, hair's breadth. 93. Plant secondary substances determine diet breadth to a great extent. They play a significant role in speciation, especially the sympatric speciation. 94. This section plane was found and measured on the spot during the 1/50000 areal geological investigation of Sihai breadth. 95. Especially his whole body there is no a grain of button on snow-white breadth tunic and use a rose just in the collar don't live, fine latch bone faintly discernable stirring fancy. 96. A network topology discovery algorithm based on breadth - first is introduced. 97. In order to improve testing precision and strengthen the anti-jamming ability of the system, the software has adopted arithmetic average filter and limit breadth filter. 98. During the aboriginal division I got an befalling of getting a bout adviser for the Chinese day-tripper accumulations about Brisaffliction and Gold Coast breadth. 99. The design of hall should consider bizygomatic breadth and into deep harmony. 100. As for perfecting the crime, work should be done in making clear the mode of behavior, defining the law term, enhancing the breadth of penalty and adding additional penalty. 101. C. flavescens and S. postornata occupied more time resources, with the niche breadth index being 0.4304 and 0.4415, respectively. 102. The new method for designing Fresnel lens has a wide serration breadth and unequal pitch. 103. Moir, or her editors, or both, misjudged the speed and breadth of the real-time web and social media in their power to highlight and pressurise at speed and with force. 104. In an already-infamous gnomish family, word of Jan's exploits have spread across the breadth of Faerun and will likely grow into the greatest Jansen legends of the future. 105. You need both depth and breadth to maintain balance in your life. Stop being a quick-change artist for a while. 106. The insurance market is expanding in both breadth and depth. 107. Today, as media penetrate into the public daily life in unprecedented breadth and depth, no non-profit institution can afford to neglect the importance of good public relations. 108. What happened in the environmental evolution in the eastern Tibet Plateau shows that climate change, which reflected by quaternary moraine series, has long cycle and great breadth. 109. Given the breadth of issues at stake in our relationship with China, this ambassadorship is as important as any in the world, " he said." 110. Surprisingly, the whole idea of such a stimulus is much more controversial among A-list economists than I would have expected, given the depth and breadth of the economic malaise. 111. Through a lot of analysis of numerical simulation , it has been found that the critical altitude of this area is related to the breadth value of the input stress wave. 112. After giving the data structure article ransacks FEARG using breadth traversal and find the assembly sequence. 113. The 2nd, two legs are the same as shoulder breadth apart, extend double arm, it is axes with the waist, the retroversion before making moves. 114. Hepatomegaly is detected best by percussing hepatic breadth at the midclavicular line and demonstrating a size greater than 8 to 10 cm. 115. Proposition looks from layout, enclothe bizygomatic breadth, almost all key is paragraphic all have involve, each intellectual dots distributing reasonable. 116. He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision. 117. The relationship between food niche breadth or niche overlap and body size was also insignificant. 118. As a result, bus lane in three breadth road which is disposed by external lane of assistant road is superior to other scheme, and it is successfully used in Ningbo Zhongxing road bus lanes project. 119. In this paper, the theory of niche in ecology is applied to study on the niche breadth and overlap of 6 species of Muricidae from tidal zone of Dalian Shicao. 120. Having a head of medium breadth, with a cephalic index between 76 and 80.