快好知 kuaihz

1 Do business, but be not a slave to it. 2 He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save. 3 I am not a slave, I am not a captive, and by energy I can overcome the greater obstacles. 4 The slave fearlessly lammed into his master. 5 She treated her daughter like a slave. 6 The children were used as slave labour in gold mines in the jungle. 7 He was a slave ten years ago and was ransomed later by an old rich woman. 8 Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,[www.]a sting. 9 She's a slave to fashion. 10 I left because the job was just slave labour. 11 My boss is a real slave driver. 12 Sue's a slave to fashion. 13 It's slave labour working in that office. 14 Huge palaces were built by slave labour. 15 He leathered the slave black and blue. 16 I'm tired of being treated like a slave! 17 Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders. 18 He's been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash. 19 It is thought that Stonehenge was built using slave labour. 20 The days of the slave trade are brought to life in a themed experience which includes interactive displays and a museum. 21 The slave trade had an ineradicable effect on world history. 22 The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850. 23 The slave trade involved a three-cornered system of exchange. 24 Second, to free a slave. 25 Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. 26 He who will not reason, is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool ;and he who dares not is a slave. 27 We prefer to die a hero, rather than live a slave. 28 Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination. Do not become the slave of your model. 29 Smith says he smokes fifty cigarettes a day; he's a slave to smoking. 30 The old factory hand treat the tenderfoot like their slave.