快好知 kuaihz

121. The very concept of free speech is unknown to them. 122. The government wants to leave companies free to make their own decisions. 123. We set business free to create more jobs in Britain. 124. He cut desperately at the rope in an attempt to free his foot. 125. They had to amputate his foot to free him from the wreckage. 126. She had the good fortune to be free from illness. 127. They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street. 128. She was free to indulge in a little romantic daydreaming. 129. When are you free? 130. Nothing can be more beautiful than the smile free from tears. 131. Club members have special privileges, like free use of the pool. 132. A free low-interest credit card can be a useful budgeting tool. 133. Perks offered by the firm include a car and free health insurance. 134. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques. 135. After ten years in prison, he was a free man again. 136. The spacecraft is now in free fall towards the Earth. 137. If you love something ,set it free,if it comes back to you ,it is yours. 138. You are free to come and go as you please. 139. I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free. 140. If you want your free copy of the Patients' Charter fill this form in. 141. This ticket entitles you to a free seat at the concert. 142. The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive. 143. Students have a free choice of courses in their final year. 144. If you collect ten coupons from the newspaper, you can get a free beach towel. 145. The really great love not stubbornly cling to it,but at the crucial moment just let him free. 146. Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised? 147. be rid of sb/sth to be free of sb/sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want: She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority. 148. They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. 149. He has made free with the reading room after class. 150. You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.