快好知 kuaihz

211. The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press. 212. The robber tried to free the case from her grasp. 213. Students have a free choice from a range of subjects. 214. If the law were passed, EU nationals would no longer enjoy free passage through member states. 215. Never mind the extra day's holiday, the free health care, and all the other window dressing in the company's offer - the point is, how much more money are we getting? 216. By allowing her to go free the judge gave the accused the benefit of the doubt. 217. The course is free but you have to provide your own books. 218. I've had a wheeze - why don't we put both kids in the small room and that will leave the back room free. 219. I got the conditioner in a free offer with my shampoo. 220. You are free to come and go at your pleasure. 221. In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer. 222. Never mind the exact technical specification; just give us a free translation of what the machine can do. 223. We've written to him asking him if he's free on that date but we haven't had an answer yet. 224. He walked out of the courtroom a free man . 225. My boss has given me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use. 226. Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards. 227. I need to free up some of the disk space on my computer. 227.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 228. Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated. 229. She is not free to follow her own inclination in the matter ofmarriage. 230. Several Internet sites are inviting people to join in the fun for free. 231. She bribed the police officer into letting her go free. 232. In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration. 233. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport. 234. The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free. 235. Free speech is being gradually eroded year after year by new tentacles of government control. 236. After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours:a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. 237. Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free. 238. They are encouraging all workers to join the union rather than just taking a free ride on those who do join. 239. She cut at the rope in an attempt to free herself. 240. I didn't have to go there - I did it of my own free will.