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1 In the midst of life we are in death. 2 She appeared from the midst of the crowd. 3 The hut is in the midst of the forest. 4 Such beauty was unexpected in the midst of the city. 5 The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest. 6 We are in the midst of one of the worst recessions for many, many years. 7 The house is set in the midst of large gardens. 8 The government is in the midst of a major crisis. 9 I fear we have an enemy in our midst. 10 He fought bravely in the midst of the battle. 11 There is a traitor in our midst. 12 Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard. 13 There is a thief in our midst. 14 We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience. 15 She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention. 16 I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos. 17 She alone remained calm in the midst of all the confusion. 18 I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle. 19 The speaker interrupted himself in the midst of his speech. 20 She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things. 21 In the midst of his feelings of impotence, a comforting thought arrived. 22 A fox darted out of the midst of the thicket. 23 The country is in the midst of an economic crisis. 24 The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence... 25 There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 26 I'm afraid I'm too busy - I'm in the midst of writing up a report. 27 We're lucky to have such a man in our midst. 28 Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd. 29 She felt curiously unreal, as if she were in the midst of a dream. 30 The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.