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1 This radar is operated by an electronic pulse. 2 The child's pulse was strong/weak. 3 Fear sent her pulse racing . 4 Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth. 5 Her pulse seemed very fast. 6 The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist. 7 Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused. 8 The doctor took / felt my pulse. 9 His pulse raced as he faced the armed intruder. 10 Last time I took my pulse, it was a bit fast. 11 My pulse beats violently. 12 The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse. 13 Her pulse raced with excitement. 14 His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal. 15 Pulse several times until the mixture looks like oatmeal. 16 I can't feel his pulse. 17 I could feel a fluttering pulse. 18 She felt his neck. There was no pulse. 19 The child's pulse is now even. 20 Exercise increases your pulse rate. 21 His pulse was at as high as a hundred. 22 This is music that will make your pulse quicken. 23 Take the patient's pulse first. 24 The doctor could feel no pulse beating. 25 Pulse rates vary slightly from person to person. 26 My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight. 27 The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds. 28 Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm. 29 The machine is operated by an electronic pulse. 30 The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse .