快好知 kuaihz

61. I was never officially notified by the Immigration department. 62. On Tuesday, the police officially filed charges against Jeffers. 63. The toll was never officially recorded. 64. By tomorrow afternoon we are going to act officially. 65. Khrushchev officially revealed the cruelties of Stalin's regime. 66. There are dangers in becoming officially accepted. 66.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 67. It's not a view I can admit to officially. 68. Former first lady Barbara Bush officially christened the ship. 69. In effect, it officially condoned segregation. 70. Madhavan was officially said to have sought early retirement. 71. They have also suffered much officially approved harassment. 72. Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired. 73. Tolerance exists only for officially sanctioned ideas. 74. Not that it ever officially retired, mind you. 75. Warning: none of these are officially open to the public. 76. Edenderry, hitherto a small village in the parish of Seagoe, became officially part of Portadown in 1840. 77. Alan Keyes, an eloquent black talk-show host who fervently opposes abortion, has never officially abandoned the race. 78. The analysis was never officially released, because the data were incomplete, the agency says. 79. Wanuskewin Heritage Park officially came into being in 1989 via an act of the Saskatchewan Legislature. 80. And Simpson has moved aggressively to protect those trademarks, even before the government officially registers them. 81. Although evidence of its existence has been growing since the mid-90s, no government has officially acknowledged involvement. 82. Although he is now officially bankrupt, the underworld mastermind still has a multi-million-pound property empire. 83. The All-Star break officially begins Friday, but the Clippers' extended weekend is coming just a few days too late. 84. But last week, the town council unanimously rejected her request to officially add the tilde. 85. He then tried out these elements on an abortive design for Halifax Town Hall, before the competition officially had started. 86. At yesterday's private hearing in the High Court Kevin Maxwell was officially declared bankrupt for a record £406million. 87. The motorway will be officially opened at the end of the month. 88. Lunch is officially from 12.30 till 1.30; that tends to be a slightly moveable feast. 89. Local author and health activist Protasia Torkington officially opened the play area today. 90. A year to the day since PanAm 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Mr Talb remains the only suspect officially identified.