快好知 kuaihz

91, In the entire primary process, Arthur Barbieri and Matty Troy of Queens in New York City were the only old-line Democratic bosses to endorse McGovern. 92, He also declined to endorse a bill by New York Democratic Sen. 93, He will endorse energy efficiency and renewable energy - solar power. 94, Shakespeare endorse polygamy: he speak of the merry wives of windsor ; how many wives do Mr. Windsor have? 95, In 1925 he'encouraged'his admirals to endorse a decision not to build any carriers. 96, Article 5 A party to an instrument may authorize an agent to endorse the instrument but must specify the principal-agent relationship on the instrument. 97, Endorse To sign a contract indicating approval of the terms and conditions of the contract. Also referred as acceptance of risk for debt issuance. 98, Let's jump on the bandwagon right now and endorse the man before we get left behind. 99, The disaccord in my words is hardly to cover the endorse in my heart. 100, A small little kitchen appliance company wanted him to endorse a little two sided electric grill and put his name on it. 101, And they go through these arguments, and they find venture money to fund the company, and they get very famous people to endorse them, etcetera. 102, If payee wants to transfer the cheque to a third person he must endorse the cheque. 103, Mr. Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan. 104, Some of the experts writing in the issue endorse Dr. Kurzweil's belief that conscious, intelligent beings can be created, but most think it will take more than a few decades. 105, Endorse the overture by director XXX from provincial TB Institute. 106, The Federal Housing Administration would not be able to endorse any single-family mortgage loans or have staff available to process and approve new multifamily loans. 107, The rock star agreed to endorse their product on TV. 108, And yet even the stern intendant of traditional academic values couldn't quite bring himself to endorse the hard-ass Asian mothering style. 109, Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan. 110, The committee hoped to prevail on them to endorse the proposal. 111, Franco Modigliani (1985) was one of the first Keynesians to endorse an expansionary monetary policy like this under conditions of high unemployment. 112, Some observers expect the rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress, to endorse the change at its annual session in March. 113, We do not guarantee, monitor, endorse or make any other statement on the correction, suitability, convenience and lawfulness of the content. 114, Texas is the only state that did not endorse the agreement. 115, Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates. 116, An importer can endorse the BL and sell the goods even before they arrive. 117, A party to an instrument may authorize an agent to endorse the instrument but must specify the principal-agent relationship On the instrument. 118, Copyleft turns out to have other benefits, and people who endorse the practical values of "open source" rather than the ethical ideals of free software have often used the GNU GPL. 119, Their function is to endorse and legitimise decisions made by the Kremlin. 120, Under a 12-month contract, Maya will endorse Celcom's postpaid products and services and it would also have exclusive rights for mobile contents including wallpapers, songs and filmlets.