快好知 kuaihz

1 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency. 2 His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century. 3 She commuted some foreign currency to domestic. 4 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency. 5 He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency. 6 Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971. 7 Nigeria has just devalued its currency . 8 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. 9 Runaway inflation has depreciated the Russian currency. 10 The bank can supply you with foreign currency . 11 The report gives an update on the currency crisis. 12 They don't have access to a convertible currency. 13 He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency. 14 The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports. 15 Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank's action. 16 Communism enjoyed considerable currency in the U.S. between the World Wars. 17 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate. 18 You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card. 19 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy. 20 She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed. 21 The currency was tied to the gold standard. 22 The dollar has been revalued against all world currency. 23 Don't mention the single currency?it's political dynamite. 24 The country devalued its currency by 5 percent. 25 Send £20 or the equivalent in your own currency. 26 British currency went metric in 1971. 27 You can convert sterling into the local currency. 28 This belief has general currency. 29 Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency. 30 You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.