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61. No ballot was held, as was legally required if the action was in breach of contract. 62. Less than half of the voting-age population cast a ballot in November. 63. The unions are already holding a strike ballot because they fear compulsory redundancies. 64. B was running as close to unopposed as a ballot measure can be without the other side being run by dead people. 65. Like everyone else, they will be able to pass judgment by means of the ballot box. 66. Nor could labour interests be effectively pursued through the ballot box. 67. Of the 34 seats on the ballot Tuesday, 19 were held by Republicans and 15 by Democrats. 68. The voters have expressed their views at the ballot box. 69. Will the Prime Minister now put it to the test through the ballot box and let the people decide on his record? 70. Items one through seven on the May 20 ballot are general obligation bonds. 71. The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting. 72. Calday Grange Grammar School also faced a second ballot over opting out after it applied for grant-maintained status last year. 73. It was the last time the party took more than a single ballot to select its presidential nominee. 74. In spite of its name the exhaustive ballot is not a single ballot but a series of ballots. 75. It has become the most famous and hotly disputed California ballot measure since Proposition 13 cut property taxes in 1978. 76. It finally cashed in its accumulated non-partisan capital in a campaign of truly massive proportions - the Peace Ballot of 1934-35. 77. Firefighters suspend ballot Britain's firefighters have suspended a ballot on strike action after pay talks with local authority employers. 78. Since then, each party has chosen its candidate on the first ballot at its quadrennial convention. 79. Yaki had tried to broker a compromise earlier this year to keep the initiative off the ballot. 80. With the Second Ballot the winning candidate must poll more than half the votes to be elected at the first ballot. 81. H are the highest profile and most hotly contested items on the Nov. 4 ballot. 82. That announcement came as the Reform Party officially launched its own petition drive to win Texas ballot access in November. 83. Haider and his followers have been gradually building their support at the ballot box for the past decade. 84. They were able to respond swiftly because they already have a secret ballot strike mandate over an ongoing pay dispute. 85. The way to resolve political differences is through debate, dialogue and the ballot box, not on the streets. 86. The result of the ballot showed that nurses were not in favour or a strike. 87. The party won its right to a place on the ballot after it had gathered 96,000 signatures on a petition. 88. The petition must be submitted by July 3 to be on the November ballot, Lynch said. 89. Dole is expected to endorse a proposition that is expected to be on the ballot next fall to eliminate affirmative action. 90. The Natural Law Party qualified for the ballot last December.