快好知 kuaihz

151. But the principles for planning a sacred space are the same, Price said. 152. I approve the deadly seriousness, the piety, the need for something sacred in your life. 153. I idly noted that a brass plate declared that this bit of garden furniture was sacred to some one's memory. 154. They were thus especially suitable to guard sacred relics and great sanctuaries. 155. The balance in this country between old people in private households and those in residential care is not sacred or immutable. 156. In Bobby Collins you had a pocket battleship of an inside-forward who could mix the sacred with the profane. 157. She had a gift for explaining how the mundane transactions of everyday living were infused with the sacred. 158. Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.Theodore Roosevelt 159. Work is sacred - it is a responsibility and an obligation, and it brings out the best of us and uplifts our spirit and dignity.Dr T.P.Chia 160. The word itself is sacred, and to suggest otherwise is blasphemy. 161. In the scarred, sacred land, myths continue to distort the past and shape the future. 162. For her, the designation of godparent is a sacred trust. 163. I am in the sacred grove with a priestess in the last surviving matriarchal, communal culture on earth. 164. Brown vertical trunks absorbed the righteousness of the fields and shot heavenward like sacred pillars of an ancient pagoda. 165. Home of the tooth relic sacred to Buddhists, it is a bustling grid of weird and wonderful shops and hotels. 166. This began to promote excessive erosion and Aboriginal concerns relating to infringements of their sacred sites which abound in the region. 167. They fought a duel using huge thorns of the sacred crab-apple tree, and Hahgwehdiyu emerged victorious. 168. The sequence Coincides again after 260 days and the new Sacred Round begins with 1 Imix once more. 169. Certainly big choral / orchestral sacred works, requiems in particular, would be examples. 170. These shells, which came from the great oceans, impart sacred knowledge. 171. As a description of a sacred grove, with its legends, character and atmosphere, this is hard to better! 172. These taboos against women as polluting to male sacred space are very ancient. 173. What happened to our thinking about snakes that we changed from revering them as sacred to fearing them as evil? 174. The principle of sacred kingship continues well into later Western history. 175. Not only in its primitive and pagan aspects, but also in sacred and scientific form. 176. They know that it is a sacred and holy name. 177. It was the manner in which such a sacred subject was interpreted which was unacceptable. 178. Unlike the West, which clearly separates the human from the sacred, the Far East makes no such distinction. 179. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.Ralph Waldo Emerson 180. In Part Three of the present book, as promised, I shall celebrate the sacred power of Imagination.