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go wrong造句
121. Here is a quick guide to the nuclear process, what can go wrong, and how to prevent catastrophe. 122. If you're a first - time home buyer in this market, how could you go wrong? 123. I'm betting that 50 years from now we'll be saying the same thing about recently engaged Jesse James and Kat Von D. What could really go wrong there? 124. Once you know that the bread must be toasted packet white, the bacon smoked, the lettuce Iceberg, the tomato beefsteak and the mayo Hellmann's then even the most hopeless tyro can't go wrong. 125. But due to influence all kinds of factors, power cable may go wrong. 126. If you want to give a truly personal gift, you cannot go wrong with a birthstone-- a gift idea that dates back to Biblical times. 127. He happens to be the fall guy in case things go wrong. 128. But talk to any economist or market strategist and every positive statement about the economic outlook is heavily hedged with warnings about what could yet go wrong. 129. Don't be wishy - washy; you can't go wrong by listening to what I say. 130. The carefully arranged plans of all men can often fail or go wrong in their actual execution (used when such a plan of arrangement has not succeeded as one would have wished). 131. Do you feel sorrow and pity for yourself when things go wrong? 132. Money is just a commodity, and it is quite ridiculous to put the blame on a non-living object when things go wrong. 133. But I want to warn you now that something might go wrong. 134. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified and undeterminable may go wrong. 135. If something should go wrong, the signal lamp would light up. 136. If the bottoms of the feet go even a little wrong the spinal muscles and the muscles of the pubic region also go wrong. 137. Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong. 138. Or, in the somewhat less coherent words of Margaret Thatcher, "the unexpected happens" and "fail-safe plans are designed to go wrong." 139. But it is really the yips. Mind affects body, technique fails, little things go wrong and make a big difference. 140. Of course, this can go wrong,[Sentence dictionary] as demonstrated by the sadomasochism of the recent debt-ceiling wrangle. 141. With an overview like the great chinese tacticts nothing can go wrong. 142. There are certain decisions in life if they go wrong, we can always recover and get 2nd chance to make amendments. 143. A couple things go wrong, and believers may start to look for the next bit of bad luck. 144. But in that space between Joan Crawford and June Cleaver, where most of us fall, it seemed like a lot could go wrong in the kid-raising department. 145. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. 146. Just to make sure nothing would go wrong, several of Bruno's assistants stood at a discreet distance, each with a pit bull terrier on leash. 147. When these things go wrong, the government tends to take the rap. 148. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, we can react responsibly or resentfully. 149. More interconnections provide more ways to mobilise resources and explore alternatives when things go wrong. 150. Even up - to - date machines might occasionally go wrong.