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get rid of造句
211. If one gets into bemusement and confused, and has no power to get rid of them, he can only think of them slowly at the cost of his time. 212. Since many major oil companies are looking to get rid of assets downstream, it can be tough to find buyers. 213. The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission, and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense. 213. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 214. Pad Man instructs Wyatt to get rid of all those who are close to Whistler. 215. The company is trying to get rid of all its old stock. 216. From the strategy, We should get rid of the outworn idea, set up the enterprising thought, increase the personages theories level and thought level, and push the development of the nelson business. 217. When you buy something new, practice the "in-out rule:" For every one new item, get rid of an old one. 218. The leather stabilization process does not get rid of the leather smell, which I noticed after removing the knives from their packaging . 219. Patent technology Aminophenol, Hydrolyte protein , Enhance hair growth, Dispel peculiar smell, And get rid of scurf. 220. Especially watch out for the soup of the day. If it contains fish or if it's some kind of "gumbo," it's probably the stuff they're trying to get rid of. 221. Would you do me a favour and get rid of this letter I've just received? 222. Group CO2 laser: Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes. 223. Name Code brings me to the beauty of the term "shy" and will "shy" should all get rid of a "Month", which became a face (name) Code. 224. If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance. 225. Well, adding that, and running "make clean" to get rid of the old object files. 226. How to get rid of the knife track, burn mark and scratch? 227. Use 5-6W output power laser to cauterize and vaporize verruca plantaris to get rid of the brown colored pathological changes. 228. The results showed that shade plant Stellaria media is strong compatible to the different habitats, so it is difficult to get rid of in the fields. 229. Through partly using medicine to get spasmolysis and calm down asthma and relieve expectoration, that can be favorite in absorbing to get rid of the block of respiratory tract and keep it smooth. 230. This table is a goner. We should really just get rid of it now. 231. The paint which be reacted by desire of senses passing under my burin, by the love of these who joined the battle to get rid of the chains that used to hold my step on . 232. He must also be able to get rid of stale air and waste matter. 233. Finally the inevitable happened. "Get rid of the dog" the station-master warned me, "or I'll call the dogcatcher. 234. Apart from sending me the engagement letter once again she says I can't get rid of her just like that. 235. Normal coagulation aim to get rid of muddy degree, but enhanced coagulation can do away with not only but also organic matter, controlling coagulation condition to increase the rate of organic matter. 236. Also in the query rewrite vein, modifying a SELECT to get rid of a range-type predicate can increase performance by improving index key column matching. 237. You can get rid of the moire, and get a smooth image. 238. There are two main problems to develop software by using the traditional waterfall method: first not easily get rid of sematic faults, second not easily accomodate with varying of requirements. 239. Fatigure is caused by oxidating lipide and oxygen free radical. The paper will present readers the method to dignos and measures to get rid of it. 240. Cao Cao tried to ally with the kingdom of Wu, which was currently ruled by Sun Quan, in an attempt to get rid of Liu Bei once for all. But, Wu refused.