快好知 kuaihz

other than造句
61 That leaves open the possibility, however, that some declarative sentences or statements are not factual and express something other than beliefs. 62 There was no evidence in these miners that a radon-rich atmosphere increased the risk of any cancer other than lung cancer. 63 Through an amplifier, the New York maintains its acoustic brightness and bluntly refuses to be anything other than a blank canvas. 64 After that I'd like to take a break and study something other than the techniques of the state police. 65 It therefore follows that all sedimentary bodies, other than deep sea oozes and volcanic ash deposits, are likely to be diachronous. 66 But no - for I am not a cripple, I have no debility, and something other than myself is doing this. 67 Flagg denied there were any fires Tuesday, other than normal cooking or camp fires. 68 Other than those pictures, it looks almost like Halloween out there in the weeks before the Oscar ceremonies. 69 The courts have long held that partners in private partnerships have greater obligations to each other than do shareholders in public corporations. 70 Require broadcasters to pay the government if they use the new airwaves for anything other than free services. 71 Other than in large championship races, windsurfers tend to use fairly short beats so their influence is decreased. 72 Another criticism levelled at Coleman was that his teaching neglected animals other than the horse, contrary to the original constitution of the College. 73 He will probably be none other than General Jaruzelski, the party boss. 74 And their gardening shows are designed for audiences who live somewhere other than the sizzling hell that constitutes summer in Tucson. 75 Most blinds other than a roller blind will screen out too much light. 76 Our constitutional system amply provides for the protection of minorities by means other than giving them majority control of state legislatures. 77 Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of tangible assets other than freehold land over their estimated useful lives. 78 They didn't seem to be very bothered about issues other than what was going on in the village itself. 79 Daley has said little about his childhood, other than that it was happy and typical. 80 She has no reason to believe that it was anything other than an accident. 81 We sometimes bill shipments in currencies other than the local currency - US$ would be an example. 82 Indeed, on most crags you won't see anybody else other than walkers escaping their own crowds. 83 No known clockmaker, other than self-taught Harrison himself, lived or worked anywhere around north Lincolnshire in the early eighteenth century. 84 The man had never behaved towards her in other than a friendly and decorous way; nevertheless, she burned. 85 It is clear that the destination of post-mortem existence was a world other than and different from the world human beings inhabit. 86 None of them would have any formal local attachment other than to the large constituency as a whole. 87 Other than the quaint little town waiting to get buried, what boilerplate ingredients do we have? 88 S.-supported facilities carry traffic other than that dedicated to the particular application that justified the link. 89 What this might be, other than the preservation of capital accumulation, is never properly explained. 90 For non-residents, other than the nobly born and well connected, it is less informative.