快好知 kuaihz

61, Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas, and some political analysts believe their retirements could make the chamber more conservative. 62, It is true that there are two solo players and equally true that Mackey matches them to a 15-member chamber orchestra. 63, They found their champion in Wayne Rowley, who was then the director of new business development for the chamber. 64, The stench from the carcass filled the Chamber; a pungent mixture of sewage and vanilla. 65, Readers will recognize the Ktesibios floating valve as the predecessor to the floating ball in the upper chamber of the porcelain throne. 66, Fourteen murders was more than enough for jurors to vote Bonin into the gas chamber. 67, The huge fire roaring in the hall beyond the small entrance chamber warmed her not at all. 68, Hollowed out mid-way was a small chamber which contained seven standing stones, now clamped to the walls with metal hoops. 69, The floor of the chamber was obscured by a silver mist that had risen since their arrival. 70, A test as simple as a Detect Magic spell will show some stronger focus of magic above the ceiling of this chamber. 71, Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the lower chamber of which is popularly elected for up to five years. 72, The strange standing stones, remnants of a burial chamber, are said to house an invisible living occupant - Wayland. 73, At Cicada, the lucky couple enters into a cavernous love chamber. 74, Open unemployment is now up to 20 %, according to the local chamber of commerce. 75, Then they burrow deep into the still soft sand and excavate a small chamber. 76, In California all three candidates for governor have promised to keep the gas chamber busy. 77, One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber. 78, The chamber at the end of the passage was more fragrant and clean. 79, The size of the lock chamber restricts the size of boats which can use a particular canal. 80, There would be all sorts of things rattling down on you - railings and chamber pots and lavatory pots. 81, Between this furnace tunnel and the lower chamber was a perforated floor. 82, Where else, she asked herself, than in the upper chamber which houses the princes! 83, It has independently evolved a quite different kind of lung from that of our ancestors - an air chamber surrounding the gills. 84, What did some one look like squatting awkwardly on a small chamber pot. 85, What had been only a dense red glow when I first looked into the chamber was now a torrent of liquid flame. 86, Due to its unusual structure, the bill will be considered in a committee of the whole House in the main chamber. 87, Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church. 88, Stone funerary beds are set on each side of the main chamber. 89, It boomed as if the whole house was a resonating chamber for the brass instrument on the door. 90, Into this single chamber three permanent guests are to be introduced by the bellhop, one by one.