快好知 kuaihz

61. The abandoned garden was rank with weeds. 62. The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor. 63. On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles. 64. He was promoted to the rank of major in recognition of his valour during the battle. 65. She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank. 66. His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers. 67. The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass. 68. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser". 69. I'd put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 70. He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle. 71. To everyone's surprise, the post went to a rank outsider . 72. He called it "rank hypocrisy" that the government was now promoting equal rights. 73. He was stripped of his rank by a military court. 74. She joined the navy and held the rank of captain. 75. No one under the rank of captain may enter the room. 76. Joanna has finally made it to the first rank of celebrity after 25 years as an actress. 77. Most rank and file police officers rejected the new pay offer. 78. The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to. 79. She was lifted from a captain to the rank of major. 80. Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers. 81. Ministers of Cabinet rank receive a higher salary than other ministers. 82. Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry. 83. The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms. 84. The horse that won the race was a rank outsider. 85. Mr Short does not even rank in the world's top ten. 86. Rank was contractually obliged to hand him a cheque for $30 million. 87. I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 88. Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant - colonel and brigadier. 89. The others had been skiing since they could walk and made her look a rank amateur. 90. He held officer rank in the air force for many years.