快好知 kuaihz

91. During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major. 92. You may just have to pull rank and tell them. 93. Captain Evans was found guilty and stripped of his rank. 94. Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests-that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test. 95. The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank. 96. He was sentenced to prison and stripped of his rank . 97. It is not always easy to rank the students in order of ability. 98. A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant. 99. Athletics should rank alongside soccer and cricket as a major sport. 100. It was rank stupidity to drive so fast on an icy road. 101. Last year he was a rank outsider for the title. 102. He was demoted from the rank of general as a punishment. 103. This must rank with one of the greatest movies ever made. 104. He doesn't have the authority to pull rank on me any more. 105. The rank and file of the party had lost confidence in the leadership. 106. Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her. 107. The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance. 108. Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time. 109. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical? 110. The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way. 111. The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership. 112. Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence. 113. He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner. 114. She joined the navy, where she rose to the rank of captain. 115. He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes. 116. While none of these pictures is of the first rank , some are of interest. 116.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 117. The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges. 118. The front rank of the riot squad raised their shields. 119. Consumer preferences were placed in rank order from 1 to 5. 120. A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank.