快好知 kuaihz

121) Whatever that phrase really means, Tuesday's program Twentieth-Century Landscapes showed how freely composers exploited sound in the past century. 122) The key factor, phrase or words bold Use a different colour or symbol to identify each part of your question. 123) In a school gymnasium full of caucus-goers in Des Moines, Dole inadvertently coined the best phrase of this perplexing campaign. 124) There was not a single low note or phrase that did not display infallible technique or persuasive musicality. 125) My Swahili, such as it is, comes from a Berlitz tape and a phrase book. 126) He was going to have fun if it killed him, to coin a phrase. 127) His most consistent phrase was that he wants to accomplish in Washington what the governors have done in their states. 127)try its best to collect and build good sentences. 128) That phrase is read narrowly to convict the accused of handling rather than theft, handling being a more serious offence than theft. 129) She understood the true meaning of a phrase she had often heard but never defined: in her element. 130) In particular, contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase. 131) In our business, the phrase "harmless error" is a contradiction in terms. 132) Similarly, the noun phrase object can be questioned just like any other. 133) Maybe the child who had first heard that story would use that phrase, but not the scientist talking to me now. 134) The whole phrase does not create more than one offence. 135) In both cases, we have a minor constituent of the category noun phrase without any special marking. 136) Linney and Ruffalo's relationship gives meaning to the phrase emotional intelligence. 137) She had read the words, widen your scope, in a phrase book. 138) It is, in a memorable phrase from the 1930s, a faraway country of which we know little. 139) I often pray, though I’m not really sure Anyone’s listening; and I phrase it carefully, just in case He’s literary.Mignon McLaughlin 140) But Michael Foot was a formidable orator and on occasions he could coin a phrase which captured the mood perfectly. 141) Yet in a deeper sense the phrase is apt for the new millennium. 142) Tennyson's sanguinary phrase reflects not a rule of life, but despair at the death of a friend. 143) These various elements appear in adjustable windows; highlight a word or phrase, and the stuff in each module changes. 144) And very often an indefinite article possibly with some er a noun phrase with some modifier. 145) It's a useful little phrase book, full of colloquial expressions. 146) Similarly, in the second movement there is no warmth of phrase, no atmosphere, no autumnal beauty. 147) How could I phrase the question so that I could distinguish between free choice and manipulative coercion? 148) Miller was trying to help his career and, to coin a phrase, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. 149) Well, to borrow another phrase from film, that was then and this is now. 150) Also, make sure that you improvise variations on the fill-ins at the end of each two bar phrase.