快好知 kuaihz

151) The problem is that the meaning of a sentence tends to drift off into what linguists would call the Indeterminate Adverbial Phrase. 152) Most of their examples show the activation of a single word or a short phrase. 153) It is an account of legitimate authority, whereas the phrase is often used to refer to defacto authorities. 154) Computer buffs have a different phrase for it: garbage in, garbage out. 155) It is what Freud called in a memorable phrase, an impoverishment of the ego on a grand scale. 156) Detectives have a phrase they use to help determine the trail of guilt from crimes of venality: Follow the cash. 157) The final phrase seems to recognize that the Lords have some merit as a residual guardian of the constitution. 158) If a phrase is noteworthy then acknowledge the copying with speech marks and cite the source. 159) Once again in this phrase reaction against the nineteenth century is bound to a standpoint which relies on anthropology. 160) The phrase seems to have originated in the world of baseball, although some authorities claim priority for an alternative connotation. 161) I have quoted the passage from which the phrase comes, showing how Wells was painfully aware of our duality. 162) The highly contagious phrase quickly infected the international media and spread across the globe in a matter of days. 163) You select an Esperanto phrase, then hear the phrase as spoken by a native speaker. 164) It demands complicated puns, archaic semantic associations, and other comic turns of phrase. 165) Nowhere else does this phrase occur in the Old Testament except in 12.1. 166) I had to find out the hard way - to coin a phrase. 167) The proper response was a light laugh and a phrase that turned the advice aside. 168) With only his home-made phrase book to help him, Twoflower was trying to explain the mysteries of inn-sewer-ants to Broadman. 169) The implication can be seen by thinking of the instruction part and the key phrase or word. 170) Nearly every economic summit since the first one in 1975 has come up with a catch phrase. 171) Repeater technique will eventually begin to release the phrase from various engrams and begin to show up incidents. 172) In a similar way it is possible to phrase many other unsolved mathematical problems in terms of the Turing machine halting problem. 173) Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for.George Sand 174) A sentence spent defining a word or phrase can make valid the rest of your answer. 175) Several factors probably went into the editorial decision to delete such an antiquated phrase. 176) Thing is, you've got to grab attention with just one phrase as punters rush on by. 177) He had to admit it was an ingenious way to phrase the question to a young audience. 178) The phrase suggests that Brunelleschi was engaging in an activity other than art. 179) This is sometimes described in the catch phrase that we must treat like cases alike. 180) The page includes a phrase generator for making generic gossip, and two extensive bits on George Stephanopoulos.