快好知 kuaihz

211 EON Office Products Independent office products dealer, includes products and services, and design options. 212 The drug dealer was bumped off by a rival gang. 213 Local computer dealer For service and advice a good local dealer could be the answer. 214 Bryan is just about to captures drug dealer BARGA , Tang Yi joined without hesitation. 215 There are two types of commercial paper: direct paper and dealer paper. 216 The feedback circuit break down, and dealer or the factory house contact. 217 The model for sales channel in automobile industry is Automobile factory - Dealer - Customer. 217 Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 218 He was able to procure a Rembrandt etching from the art dealer. 219 It's an open invitation for overpriced dealer add - ons such as interior protectant, window etching or undercoating. 220 Control an electric circuit problem check to seek reason or contact the dealer. 221 You remember our, um , drug dealer friend operating out of the racetrack? 222 Mary asked for butter, but the dealer palmed off margarine on her. 223 Victor Chapman? The famous art dealer? I can't arrest him. 224 He was a car dealer and once placed an advertisement on TV. 225 A grievous vision is declared unto me ; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. 226 The parallel import involves the tripartite main body, parallel importer, domestic dealer, patent holder. 227 I remember you now, the so - called art dealer. 228 Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer. 229 To the medical instrument market marketing, the channel development, the dealer manages has the strong interest. 230 Is it the Amsterdam casinos? - Are you saying I'm a drug dealer? 231 Does calling her a drug dealer prove she's purely evil? 232 It was the foreman of the jury, Foster Lund , a dealer in cement, lime and stone. 233 Therefore discipline yourself as a horse - dealer trains a thoroughbred. 234 Our company face toes each province to advertise for the dealer, business agent now. 235 At a car dealer, Will tells a salesperson, Jan, what kind of car he wants. 236 She's now firmly established in business as an art dealer. 237 He lodged with an art dealer, Hendrick van Uylenburgh, and in 1634 married Hendrick's cousin, Saskia . 238 DETECTIVE STONE: Victor Chapman? The famous art dealer? I can't arrest him. 239 And the curiosity - dealer, who plainly had not expected his uncouth visitor, seemed disconcerted and embarrassed. 240 Rising costs brought trouble to many old - fashioned fine - art dealer emporiums.