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121. In this case an increase in gross output will be associated with an increase in both scale and diversity. 122. In this way the work retains its unity but can have a wide diversity of atmosphere. 123. Another possible place of chaos in genetic diversity generation is in the origin of life. 124. Paradoxically, Diamond feels this loss of linguistic diversity may be our best hope. 125. Such cultural diversity we should expect to find expressed in the structures and institutional life of the churches. 126. A dimension of increased decision-making concentration which has attracted particular notice concerns the effects on regional diversity and development. 127. And yet the reef has managed to grow, and has achieved enormous diversity. 128. On the one hand this provides an excellent opportunity for the group to tap into a wide diversity of views. 129. A pleasing publication which shows the diversity of military and civil aircraft and airlines that have used this airport. 130. It is a way in which diversity and the desire to better oneself can be accommodated. 131. There was some diversity in the ways in which departmental self-appraisals were undertaken. 132. But we have just seen that under current assumptions larger scale and diversity are associated with larger industry gross output. 133. One of BirdLife's tasks will be to identify and preserve sites that are of critical importance to bird diversity. 134. This led to an enormous diversity of plants, none of them doing particularly well and none taken out by trees. 135. There was a wide diversity of theories about the nature of light from the time of the ancients up to Newton. 136. The school prides itself on its ethnic diversity, Schaeffer said. 137. How could Columbia deal with issues of multiculturalism and diversity more effectively? 138. There is, in fact, an enormous diversity of family forms in modern Britain. 139. Closer investigation shows the extraordinary extent of Miller's theoretical knowledge of and practical expertise with an enormous diversity of matters. 140. Inpart this diversity is the result of wide variations among legal systems, popular definitions of crime and patterns of illegal activity. 141. The settlement and infrastructure field is also characterized by a wide range of users with a great diversity of interests. 142. It is not that varying degrees of procedural protection should not exist: the range of licences demands this diversity. 143. The astonishing diversity of life, with species adapted for every conceivable habitat. 144. The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners. 145. It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.Maya Angelou 146. They are regions of huge biological diversity, a treasure chest of invaluable worth,[www.] representing 60 million years of evolution. 147. The books of the Bible are marked by a rich diversity of genre, content, and manner. 148. The authors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and owe allegiance to a wide diversity of schools of thought. 149. Indeed, gaining more diversity of content is the very reason for seeking greater diversity of media ownership. 150. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.