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211. Since love and marriage watch , diversity, their amatory final are also entirely and totally different. 212. Soil matric potential, leaf potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation. 213. A project to promote and appreciate ASEAN cultural diversity through cultural values. 214. However, subalpine meadow possessed higher species diversity than herb communities within fir forest. 215. Ahmed Djoghlaf is the executive secretary of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. 216. The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation. 217. Diversity and evenness were apparently positive dependent, but diversity and simplicity were negative dependent. 218. This paper explicate through exemplification and comparison the thematic diversity and diction ambiguity of the poem. 219. Tuning fork technology validated by customers in diversity of applications. 220. Social diversity is thus explicable in terms of an underlying structure consisting largely of economic factors. 221. While ARQ performs very high reliability and adapts the diversity of transmission channel. 222. In addition , this course pays more attention to the expression diversity, adaptability and appropriateness. 223. The city's mosaic culture results in great diversity in the arts. 224. And it gives colleges a way to expend expand their diversity. 225. Thus, promoting diversity is a minefield and minority representation in French politics still remains a dream. 226. China is the world center of buckwheat ? origin and genetic diversity . Fagopyrum dibotrys. 227. Your background, experiences, and values will enhance the diversity of Kellogg's student body. 228. The relationship was analyzed between the diversity index of each protozoa group and physicochemical parameters. 229. Genetic diversity of peanut Rhizobia isolated from Anhui areas was determined using amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique. 230. The insect diversity of tea garden system in Sichuan Base had been discussed briefly. 231. Based on traditional mingling, a new mingling, tree species diversity mingling, has been put forward. 232. Diversity of political civilization is its basic character, existing mode and motivity. 233. An amazing diversity of trees — some 100 native species — make fall in the Great Smoky Mountains uniquely spectacular. 234. Even more mystifying is the assertion that Deloitte welcomes diversity of thought. 235. These showed an evolution of increasing diversity through to the Eocene. 236. English optional courses are important part of school curriculum , showing differentia[http://], diversity and flexibility of curriculum. 237. Moreover, the same etiologic factor may give rise to a great diversity of eruptions. 238. The species diversity indices and evenness were degraded to varying degrees. 239. Three key functions of wetlands include flood control , water quality improvement and ecological diversity. 240. Implementation highway construction invests system diversity, the development that stimulative highway builds.