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91. But it is torn by deeper internal divisions than those warring along ethnic or religious lines. 92. She looks at national and local policies for mitigating the educational effects of gender and ethnic differences. 93. But others at the Tuskegee meeting cautioned against dismissing too casually possible genetic differences in health outcomes among racial and ethnic groups. 94. A Chance to Dance aims to encourage children of all ethnic groups and social backgrounds. 94. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 95. But with a deli on every other block purveying all sorts of ethnic breads, l never baked a single loaf. 96. America is a great philosopher that preaches and practices social pluralism and ethnic or racial equality – in the midst of cultural prejudice and social discrimination.Dr T.P.Chia 97. She comes from every class, every ethnic group, every walk of life. 98. Adherence to ethnic identities appears to be growing in strength all over the world. 99. For instance, if one knew a person's ethnic identity one could predict his or her religion with some confidence. 100. The ethnic borders remain a major constraint and not until they have been done away with can we be effective. 101. They work in many clinics, health centres and surgeries where there are large ethnic minority communities. 102. This multiculturalism evacuates ethnic difference, transforming it into taste or style. 103. She may regret this change, but colludes with it by making and selling ethnic jewellery of her own. 104. We would argue that a close review of leading gangsters and organised-crime figures would reveal quite a degree of ethnic diversity. 105. The concern of this chapter, however, is with vertical inequalities - between social classes, ethnic groups and the sexes. 106. Many of those who constitute it would adhere to a world-renouncing ethnic based on a doctrine of separation from the world. 107. The racial and ethnic dynamics of the situation are very important. 108. Minorities, especially ethnic minorities, are used to authenticate the affective, melodramatic component of contemporary narratives. 109. Irrational perhaps, but they approach their misery from entirely different directions and ethnic entanglements. 110. Some ethnic minority elders may find the continuing experience of hostility and racial abuse which they experience very hard to bear. 111. What of the future of Bosnia, in particular, where there is a very complicated cocktail of ethnic mixes? 112. Cuts in social security benefits have important implications for ethnic minorities because of their higher rates of unemployment. 113. The tendency to ethnic absolutism and the one-party residue have reinforced one another in the Yugoslav successor states. 114. It will lead to a better choice of candidates and ensure that more women and candidates from minority ethnic communities are elected. 115. These experiments show that at least one-third of landlords discriminate against ethnic minorities on grounds of skin colour. 116. The percentages are of all households in each ethnic group with dependent children under the age of 19. 117. Ethnic differences in mortality from sudden infant death syndrome have been reported from several countries. 118. Amid this moral decay, religious, ethnic and caste crusades have a growing appeal. 119. The differences between these two ways of approaching ethnic disadvantage show most clearly in the case of education. 120. Certain ethnic groups are at higher risk for developing diabetes.