快好知 kuaihz

181. The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination. 182. Might his experiences be the result of his own unique person rather than his ethnic background? 183. Growing up black involves asserting an individual identity, and an ethnic identity. 184. Even with Owen's political definition, they came out below other national and ethnic groups. 185. We are actively trying to improve the number of women and members of the ethnic communities who are reporters and presenters. 186. The few available academic studies have shown that the adopted children grow up well-adjusted and comfortable with their ethnic identity. 187. Multicultural and anti-racism training will also increase confidence in the police among minority ethnic communities. 188. We have presented two possible positions in the explanation of ethnic disadvantage. 189. First, he made the tactical error of blaming the civil war on the ethnic groups in the north of the country. 190. This study aims to examine the role of Protestant working class youth culture in transmitting loyalist ethnic and political identity. 191. Mounting social tension was accompanied by the swift development of national consciousness among the Empire's ethnic minorities. 192. The ethnic minorities will be effectively stateless. 193. The propositus was a healthy Han ethnic newborn female. 194. China is a unified multinational country with 55 ethnic minorities. 195. No offense to the ethnic music community, but Wikipedia deserves more credit. 196. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. 197. Native Canadian ethnic groups include: the Indians, the Inuits and the Metis who live generation after generation on the North American continent. 198. The resurgence of ethnic or sectarian conflicts; the growth of secessionist movements, insurgencies, and failed states -- all these things have increasingly trapped civilians in unending chaos. 199. The aim of saving ethnic medicine culture is not only for protection but nosily for developing them, which will serve fo... 200. The view of the Law of Moses that you get in Luke and Acts, is that the law is good ethnic law and custom for the Jewish people, and it's perfectly fine for them to obey it and to keep it. 201. The KIO says is trying to reach a new ceasefire agreement with the government based on the 1947 Panglong Agreement, which guaranteed ethnic minorities greater autonomy as part of a federal union. 202. Much of this money came from Japan's ubiquitous pachinko parlours, gambling shops frequently operated by ethnic Koreans. 203. Financial autonomy and educational financial autonomy both enjoy the ethnic autonomic right by the law in the ethnic regions of the country. 204. As an archipelagic state, Indonesia's geographic heterogeneity and its unique historical development have given rise to the pluralism in the ethnic group, religion and culture of the country. 205. Therefore, ethnological studies should be more closely combined with the reality of China's ethnic minorities, which is expressed in some characteristic features that have been formed in history. 206. So this thesis is an attempt to do a research on the folksongs of Yugur Ethnic Group from the geographical point of view. 207. Karachi a long history of ethnic, religious and sectarian violence. 208. In ceremonies in Mandalay, members of ethnic groups such as Mon and Kokang were also asked to attend, together with businessmen and shopkeepers from the city's market. 209. Pakistan is an artificial puzzle piece that, unlike India, has no logical frontiers, so different, territorially based ethnic groups exist uneasily together. 210. This paper considers a keyword of current discourse on racial integration and ethnic pluralism in its original context by investigating Israel Zangwill's play The Melting Pot (1908).