快好知 kuaihz

“ The word originates from the medieval Latin word biscoctus, meaning "twice-cooked/baked": it defined oven baked goods that were baked twice, so they were very dry and could be stored for long periods of time.” [主料] 低粉:200G 鸡蛋:2个 [辅料] 杏仁:30G 蔓越莓:30G 泡打粉:5G 香草精:2G [配料] 糖:75G 盐:3G 口味:原味 工艺:烘焙 耗时:一小时 难度:简单 [意式脆饼的做法步骤] 1、低粉、糖、杏仁、蔓越莓、盐、香草精、泡打粉混合均匀。 2、加入打散的全蛋液,和成面团。把面团整理成长条状(如沾手,放冰箱冻上半小时再取出定型)。表面刷一层蛋液,放入烤盘,上下火,中层,160度,35分钟。 3、取出烤好的面团,冷却后,切成约1CM宽的片状。 4、将切片的饼干放入烤箱第二次烘焙。上下火,中层,130度,35分钟。 所属分类: 烘焙