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1. However, as described above, this plasmid was found to exhibit wild type R-M. 2. Stuffing box finish to 63 RMS or better. 3. A root mean square (RMS) error image is also generated, which indicates how well the quadratic surface fits the actual digital elevation data. 4. There is a saying that every time the RMS leaves, it takes two families with it. 5. This peak voltage is 1.41 times the RMS value of the input signal. 7. A subgroup of adjuvant therapy-treated botryoid embryonal RMS in the gallbladder of young children, although rare, can have excellent prognosis. 8. The RMS radiodetector with comprehensive function is used at measuring true power at signal independently, ensured very tall repeatability and accuracy. 9. In addition to allowing us to search the RMS for records, this MIDlet beefs up the user interface we've worked with so far. 10. Statistics such as mean and the root mean square (RMS) of the velocity and the scalar field compares well with the experimental measurements. 11. This paper studies the application of minimum description length (MDL) criterion for estimating root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread (RDS) for MIMO OFDM systems. 12. "The RMS starts very deep in the middle of the brain and traces a very predictable path to the olfactory bulb, " study co-author Valenzuela told National Geographic News. 13. Under rare circumstances, non- atomic access to an RMS process global data cell could result in status bits being lost during concurrent cell access . 14. Using special formulas for calculating the turn number of windings and converting output current to root-mean-square value(RMS) for copper loss calculation are presented in this paper. 15. Stallman (who is usually known by his initials and login name, RMS) went on to form the Free Software Foundation and dedicate himself to producing high-quality free software. 16. It can be reached by air or by the RMS St Helena. 17. The tester , with high sampling frequency , analyses the damped oscillation which is obtained and digitally calculates the RMS value from the oscillation (ST) of each bar . 18. In the empty rectangular straight tunnel, the influence to the propagation loss and RMS time delay spread of the radio wave is investigated. 19. For a transformer type ballast, the voltage value to be applied from this table is the rms voltage rating of the capacitor as specified on the ballast. 20. Can measure the input signal frequency, amplitude, peak to peak, and RMS. 21. During full load running of inverter, the inductive current RMS value and the peak current are two important parameters for designing the inductor of the output LC filter. 22. Models of period cost, reconfiguration cost and the life cycle of RMS are constructed. 23. Initial interpretation of the AVO volume commenced with the extraction of RMS amplitudes from selected time interval windows relative to a horizon or horizon defined stratigraphic intervals. 24. TRMS electricity isolated sensor is designed for test that can not be tested exactly by average test method, RMS is also root mean square. 25. Some theories of operations research, such as Graph Theory, double sweep algorithm, and Queuing Theory, and their applications in the configuration design of RMS are addressed. 26. Schottky barrier rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 30V. Max RMS voltage 21V. Max DC blocking voltage 30V. Current 1.0A. 27. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The cellular density and cross section area of RMS, the expression of polysialylated neuronal cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM)RESULTS: Totally 25 SD rats were recruited. 28. Schottky barrier rectifier. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 40V. Max RMS voltage 21V. Max DC blocking voltage 40V. Current 1.0A. 29. One way the brain changes could have changed the dogs' olfactory sense is by affecting a pathway in the brain called the rostral migratory stream, or RMS, the team speculates. 30. The jitter of the main switch is less than 1 . 5 ns ( RMS ).