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margaret thatcher造句
1 Margaret Thatcher was deposed as leader of the British Conservative Party in 1991. 2 Margaret Thatcher made history when she became the first British woman Prime Minister. 3 Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979. 4 Margaret Thatcher was in the chair. 5 To begin with, Margaret Thatcher dispensed with royal commissions. 6 Wisely, Margaret Thatcher decided to withdraw. 7 Even Margaret Thatcher in her prime could not carry her party on the question of Sundays. 8 When Margaret Thatcher became leader the party was still dominated by these men who had been through the war together. 9 In those interviews, Margaret Thatcher has made much of science and technology. 10 For almost 18 months Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson have been at loggerheads over sterling. 11 But it was Margaret Thatcher who reaped all the benefits. 12 He is more popular than either Margaret Thatcher or Neil Kinnock. 13 But he says he's in good company ... Margaret Thatcher took eighteen months before she made hers. 14 Margaret Thatcher believed, disastrously,[www.] that there was no such thing as society. 15 In 1988 Margaret Thatcher squeezed sight-test charges through Parliament only after a Tory rebellion that shrank her majority by 28 votes. 16 Margaret Thatcher, too, realized the potential of having this major capital project financed by the private sector. 17 In June 1983, Margaret Thatcher went to the polls for the second time. 18 Margaret Thatcher had no tolerance for jokes of any kind, believing them to be a waste of time. 19 A string of female rulers, from Boudicca to Margaret Thatcher, gives the lie to that idea. 20 Or perhaps it was when Margaret Thatcher locked the prime minister away behind heavy iron gates. 21 Mrs Margaret Thatcher has struck three notes since the Communist world began to disintegrate. 22 The campaigners Margaret Thatcher is a rarity among national leaders in that she has a science background. 23 A secret service contact told Mark Gutteridge that Margaret Thatcher would have seen the information. 24 While writing her agony aunt column, she remained busy as a reporter, interviewing figures including Margaret Thatcher. 25 He presided over the 1990 leadership contest that saw the departure of Margaret Thatcher and the arrival of John Major. 26 It was not a mortal blow in the style of Lord Howe who brought about the downfall of Margaret Thatcher. 27 There was a woman newsreader, whose name sounded like Magda Tacker, and we soon called her Margaret Thatcher. 28 He hinted that she might even receive an honour from the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher if she gave her support. 29 For a mild, self-effacing family man, substitute a vibrant, powerful family man who pays due tribute to Margaret Thatcher. 30 She would have made the secret love child of Leon Trotsky and Margaret Thatcher look like an uncommitted, apolitical layabout.