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1. Is there a call-back facility on this phone? 2. The phone is equipped with a call-back facility. 3. Frock distribute and callback, provide monthly summary list. 4. Busy signal detected at remote site on callback. 5. Communications between the use of a callback function mechanism. 6. The following table describes the important callback functions. 7. Remember the label parameter in the callback registration? 8. I've also attached a callback function. 9. The situation arises in the context of callback functions. 10. Base type has already registered a type creation callback. 11. The remote access server has requested a callback number. 12. Voice detected at remote site on callback. 13. The SAX parser runs on a callback model. 14. In the callback model, the WMI infrastructure expects the application to have methods that handle enumeration, binding and any other methods required to implement the functionality of the provider. 15. There is an asynchronous callback model and an asynchronous polling model. 16. The callback router answers the initial call and makes the return call to the client based on its configuration statements. 17. This can include invalidating sessions, canceling timers, canceling callback handlers or cleaning up any data structures that may need it. 18. Registers and releases, respectively, a callback handler for an IRQ line. The registration can be exclusive or shared. 19. This service specification is a little more complicated, because it models the interaction between a shipper and an orderer by using a simple callback style interaction. 20. Creates a duplex channel between a service and a callback instance on the client. 21. He said the market price of steel has always showed cyclical fluctuations, a callback is normal. 22. Moving the slider changes the length of the displayed color bar by invoking the callback named fct, which calls the value function on the ProgressBars to set the new length. 23. However, in event-driven multi - threaded applications and are widely used in the callback function to call. 24. New Year beginning, freight rate of market of international container regular ship appears periodic callback evidence. 25. In such cases, you need to override the onreadystatechange function of the XMLHttpRequest instance so that you can set a callback function for the asynchronous request. 26. Therefore, investors must be wary of at this time callback risk index. 27. The virtio_driver structure defines the upper-level device driver, list of device IDs that the driver supports, a features table (dependent upon the device type), and a list of callback functions. 28. Also, the javax.jms.Queue object is looked up, put into a simple data-transfer object (DTO) with a connection object, and returned from callback. 29. Based on PWM technique, the energy from battery discharges return to the master tape of DC, which has the advantage transmitting energy through two directions and realizes energy callback. 30. Fade out all matched elements by adjusting their opacity and firing an optional callback after completion.