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1. Which month hospital receives brachial clump nerve best? 2. Brachial plexus block is a peripheral nerve block. 3. Brachial plexus deficits with and without shoulder dystocia . [ comment ] . 4. The locations were brachial artery in 1 case and femoral artery in 16 cases. 5. Objectives To evaluate the effects of probucol on brachial endothelial relaxing function in patients with hyperlipidemia. 6. Brachial artery flow - mediated dilation increased with treatment . No differences between medications were observed. 7. Objective Make function arm that has brachial plex injury recover mostly. 8. Conclusions:(1)Medial brachial cutaneous nerve and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve must be found and be protected in this approach. 9. Continuous infraclavicular brachial plexus block was effective for acute pain control in this case. 10. We applied it on 3 patients with traumatic upper brachial plexus injury. 11. Objective : To study a useful and practical method for three - dimensional reconstruction of brachial plexus inferior trunk. 12. Conclusion: The improved method is simpler for practice, has higher success rate, compared with other sustained brachial plexus block anesthesia, it has more advantages and deserves spread. 13. During my first year as a medical student, however, I stood over a cadaver and learned about the eponymous lymph , artery and vein, contained within, plus parts of the brachial nerve plexus. 14. Objective To report type and early treatment experience of root avulsion of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy. 15. The arterial truck of the forelimb consists of axillary, brachial, and radial arteries. 16. Researchers used high - resolution ultrasound to measure carotid and aortic arterial wall thickness and brachial artery FMD. 17. Conclusion: The middle longitude of the air - cuff should be placed upon brachial artery. 18. Objective To study the effects of different lying postures on the measurement of brachial arterial pressure. 19. Objective: To investigate the value of the electrophysiological examination in diagnosis of brachial plexus injury patients. 20. The injury involved two radial arteries, two femoral arteries, one superficial temporal artery and one brachial artery. 21. Objective: To introduce and evaluate the results of bipolar transfer of the pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle flap for reconstruction of elbow flexion after brachial plexus birth palsy. 22. So that judge the position and degree and prognosis obstetric brachial plexus palsy. 23. The author report a case of a 74-year-old man who had presented with transient bilateral brachial diplegia. 24. Objective To study the feasibility of Cannulae -needle used in continued brachial plexus block. 25. Additional clavicle morcellation may be good to avoid the injury of brachial plexus . 26. Objective To evaluate the treatment outcome of nerve fascicle transfer for treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion. 27. There are two main kinds of port container cranes: the bridge crane and the brachial crane. 28. Objective:initial approach curative effect of rotary ostectomy treatment for the medial rotation contracture of the shoulder in obstetric brachial plexus palsy in elder children. 29. Methods Application anatomy study of transverse cervical artery at thoracic outlet was done on 62 sides of 31 adult embalmed cadavers and its relationship with brachial plexus was noted. 30. Purpose:To evaluate the role of MRI to post ganglionic injury in brachial plexus.