快好知 kuaihz

61 That they find the way that words are spelled to be intriguing, and that they go through life noticing surprising spellings. 62 Chernobyl spelled out the dangers in letters ten feet high. 63 Her sunken face, straight thin mouth, and square jaw spelled suffering and dedication as well as determination. 64 Ask to have the name spelled and ask for the first name if it is not mentioned. 65 Schools are guaranteed a minimum level of funding spelled out by Proposition 98, approved by voters in 1988. 66 This argument is spelled out in detail in Chapter 19. 67 He has a second reason, spelled out in one of several stagy subplots. 68 Not only was the death of Diego the cause of personal sorrow, it also spelled the end of his family line. 69 Don't worry if this isn't entirely clear; it's spelled out in painful detail during the film. 70 The Chronicle stories spelled out how Upjohn tried to discredit both consumers and doctors who complained about dangerous side effects. 71 Of course, the letters O-W-E spelled a word, but Quinn was not ready to draw any conclusions. 72 Lightning rods, carpentry, and brickwork-all were spelled out, arrayed on legal-sized paper across seventeen numbered sections. 73 Doctors and Opposition politicians have spelled out why Britain can not afford to lose Bart's. 74 The details would be spelled out in a White Paper due out in the autumn. 75 The scale of the catastrophe was spelled out by one speaker after another. 76 This spelled the end of the Brezhnev doctrine, under which Soviet military power enforced the loyalty of its peripheral satellite states. 77 You've spelled my name wrong -- there should be an 'e' at the end. 78 From the beautifully groomed hair to the dark intensity of his eyes he spelled wealth, power and hauteur. 79 In the dictation yesterday, this word was incorrectly spelled. 80 Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter. 81 He spelt ( spelled ) all the words correctly. 82 Make sure that the procedure name is spelled correctly. 83 This word was incorrectly spelled in the dictation yesterday. 84 That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality. 85 But these new solutions have to fit a clearly defined systems need that has been spelled out in an operational model. 86 Young Luo spelled really! The barb also reappeared the rivers and lakes! 87 Around 30 people have staged a naked protest against GM food. The protesters spelled out "no GM" with their bodies in a meadow at Forest Row, East Sussex. 88 In our Flashcard series, The Atlantic explains ideas you may read about but never see spelled out. 89 Mary Mary had a golden chain link spelled my Jesus'name. 90 Providentially, some words like star and far are now spelled with ar, but in the past they too had er.