快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. Sunlight gilded the children's faces. 2. A set of twenty-four carved and gilded chairs appear on the inventory of the house for 1736. 3. The golden light gilded the sea. 4. The autumn sun gilded the lake. 5. The story revolves around the gilded youth of the 1920s and their glittering lifestyles. 6. The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city. 7. The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs. 8. Many wore jewelled, gilded coronets fringed with lions' manes. 9. Gilded page ends. Satin ribbon page markers. 10. She simply knows that icons, even the most gilded of them, are made to be hung on a wall. 11. And in the United States, it was the Gilded Age that saw the new industrial economy engulf the entire continent. 12. Wind and sun had gilded her arms and legs honey-brown, hiding the last of the fading bruises. 13. They came in tooled leather, they came gilded and embossed and with special paper made in Florence. 14. It has a fine gilded carving on the high altar. 15. The gilded retable behind the high altar dates from 1660. 16. The gilded, ornamental oval reminds me of nothing more than a tea-tray from Harrod's sale. 17. Only the topmost branches were still gilded by daylight, the illuminated areas shrinking as the sun dropped below the misty horizon. 18. The rider wore a gilded Grecian helmet that was crested with black and red wool and plumed with a white tuft. 19. The rich, in their gilded enclaves in the south of the city, are troubled. 20. It has a high altar with fine gilded carving and a sixteenth-century sculpture of Our Lady of the Rosary. 21. If the pills were pleasant, they would not be gilded. 22. If it was a time of science and silks and gilded barges, it was also a time of pox. 23. By the time the white petals died and the mint-colored berry poked out, the leaf shine was gilded tight and waxy. 24. The table was made of bamboo, lacquered scarlet, and the top was painted with gilded peonies. 25. Only a single, gleaming dome is visible through the haze, a gilded beacon guiding the ferry towards its destination. 26. The dragon, gliding across its vast emptiness, was a mere gilded fly in a banqueting hall. 27. In the Roman Imperial period copper and bronze statues and silver and bronze jewellery were commonly gilded. 28. Her friends all thought that theirs was a match made in heaven, the union of two gilded human beings. 29. Even the horn was of a much lighter colour than usual, although it had been gilded with silver. 30. An interesting feature of the church is the array of gilded heads high up on the walls of the nave.