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steam engine造句
1. Watt invented the steam engine. 2. Who invented the steam engine? 3. This is the shaft of a steam engine. 4. The steam engine was the workhorse of the Industrial Revolution. 5. The steam engine was the missing link. 6. The whistle blew on the old steam engine. 7. Comparison with the stalled steam engine is not obvious. 8. This was the first commercially successful steam engine and was used for pumping water out of a mine. 9. Coal for the mill's steam engine was carried up the steep hill on donkeys. 10. More money was invested and a steam engine installed in a purpose-built engine house attached to the main mill. 11. At times of particularly low water supplies, a steam engine was used to power the mill via a drive belt. 12. Like the steam engine, civil service was a valuable breakthrough in its day. 13. Among his presents was a toy steam engine, and it quickly became Peter's favourite toy. 14. Bathing huts, a steam engine, cavalry on manoeuvre and beached fishing boats: it must have been lovely. 15. It was the capitalist who gave us the steam engine. 16. The winding drum is powered by a small steam engine, operating through a worm-wheel and gear. 17. The steam engine predates the internal combustion engine by at least 100 years. 18. For these include the London tube train, the steam engine, and the Southern Rail electric. 19. The steam engine is an unthinkable contraption without the domesticating loop of the revolving governor. 20. If one man invented a steam engine and another a railway, then the two could come together. 21. James Watt, who is credited with inventing the steam engine, did not. 22. He installed his twelve horse-power steam engine at Portsmouth dockyard in 1798-9, the first to be used in a royal dockyard. 23. Life in Britain was transformed by the advent of the steam engine. 24. In 1941, the train would have been pulled by a steam engine. 25. The precise figure will not be available until receipts and expenses in connection with the Steam Engine Rally are all in. 26. The rate of consumption of energy was named after another James: Watt, of steam engine fame. 27. And what offends against it is the mill chimney and the steam engine, factory-labour and the city slum. 28. In the following year they were replaced by five more powerful turbines and a larger steam engine. 29. Many of our great inventions first appeared as toys -- fireworks; the steam engine; the gyroscope; laser weapons. 30. By 1812-13 Rundell was furthermore actively engaged in buying a steam engine for a diamond-cutting subsidiary in Spitalfields.