快好知 kuaihz

1. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space. 2. The Soviets are demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the treaty. 3. Completely different outlook from other Soviets. 4. Three months later, the Soviets convicted him of espionage. 5. The Soviets had demonstrated unsuspected scientific and engineering skills. 6. Not that the Soviets were totally unknown before that. 7. The Soviets today have the capability to intercept and locate the sources of United States communications frequencies. 8. He was a spy for the Soviets in Los Alamos, during the atomic bomb project. 9. By this time the Soviets had forced a crisis by blockading Berlin, and fears of war mounted. 10. It was believed that the Soviets already had superiority in conventional armies and weapons. 11. The Soviets may rob themselves of their own best potential in this way. 12. He realized that the Soviets were just as capable of adapting a ballistic missile to carry satellites as he was. 13. Similar soviets had emerged in other cities earlier in the year, but that of St Petersburg took on unique importance. 14. The Soviets at first offered thirty-five thousand exit visas per year, then forty thousand. 15. At first, the Soviets refused to accept Lithuania's secession as an accomplished fact. 16. A nice house-present to give the Soviets when he went over. 17. Although the Soviets planned the mission as a showcase of their scientific superiority, it was widely dismissed as propaganda. 18. Meanwhile, the Soviets had launched two Luna-type spacecraft at the Moon in early 1963. 19. It worked in close co-ordination with the government bureaucracy and with the soviets. 20. This is to be the party's platform for the elections to republican and local soviets early next year. 21. Actually, the brigade had been there since 1963. journey from idealism to a hard line with regard to the Soviets. 22. No announcement of their purpose was forthcoming from the Soviets./soviets.html 23. The delegations were headed by the deputy chairs of the republican Supreme Soviets. 24. Kissinger argued that more good could be obtained by keeping lines open to the Soviets than by closing them. 25. His presence in restricted areas had aroused the anxiety of the Soviets. 26. The increase will mean a significant increase in throughput, allowing the soviets to transport more gas per kilometre of pipeline. 27. Carter himself, as one part of his hardening attitude toward the Soviets, lost faith in the treaty. 28. Other books about Aldrich Ames, the turncoat CIA operative who sold secrets to the Soviets, already have been published. 29. On May 19, 1955, in an air show, the Soviets displayed impressive quantities of their latest long-range bombers. 30. I do know that I don't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement.