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raw materials造句
91) Much of our raw materials and our food must be purchased in world markets and imported. 92) The only raw materials needed are carbon monoxide and methanol. 93) Briefly, they exported manufactured goods and capital, and they imported raw materials. 94) Firms will want to sign contracts with their suppliers specifying the price of raw materials and other supplies. 95) The market forces people to add value to raw materials, not detract from them. 96) Drawing on his manufacturing backgrounds he figured the raw materials cost less than $ 15. 97) Then we learned to extract raw materials from her biosphere to create our own new synthetic materials. 98) These constitute, so to speak, the raw materials for effective education perse. 99) Most raw materials for industry and almost all the fuel have come from the mainland. 100) Alongside the Manchester Ship Canal there were open spaces suitable for large modern factories using imported raw materials. 101) The North receives a kind of colonial tribute in debt service, whilst getting its raw materials at rock-bottom prices. 102) Meanwhile a pair of kestrels has produced four young in a disused ventilation pipe in a raw materials store. 103) Businessmen looked for profitable markets and new sources of cheap raw materials; the military looked for overseas bases. 104) The drop was attributed to falling prices for raw materials, a sign of weaker industrial demand. 105) It announced the suspension of all work on the grounds of lack of raw materials. 106) An examination of the results of early Anglo-Saxon craftsmanship point to the effort and organisation involved in procuring the raw materials. 107) The programme also offers advice on reducing consumption of energy and raw materials. 108) And today is your final chance to glimpse these raw materials of our landscape. 109) Raw materials are n - butyl aldehyde and formaldehyde. 110) Goods used as raw materials for manufacturing export goods. 111) Alginates were common raw materials in domestic chemical industry. 112) Are raw materials properly labeled, stored, and traceable? 113) Raw materials had been extracted in astounding volumes. 114) You can find competitively priced raw materials in China. 115) A. Are raw materials traceable throughout your production systems? 116) Many raw materials for the quartzite. 117) Raw materials, tailoring, degreasing, pickling, play sand, polishing, spray. 118) The raw materials and pretension method are improved. 119) They'll transmute the abundant raw materials into finished products. 120) The nutrition beverage of apple vinegar is made by apple vinegar as the raw materials and adding honey and white sugar as sweetener and complement with natural apple essence.