快好知 kuaihz

241. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough. 242. Because there is no be riotous with colour on the head of the scenery, brown white black ash, hot roll bald length. 243. He looked terrible , rather bald with a straggling beard. 244. Adrian: She may sing a nightingale but she sounds a bald eagle . Ssh, ssh! Shut up! 245. American national emblem the bald eagle on the verge of extinction and under on and on. 246. He is the bald - headed , sunburned gentleman who dumped the pail of garbage, without any doubt. 247. The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States. 248. I suspect that if the cops started hassling all the well-nourished bald guys with chin whiskers,[www.] I might soon find this tiresome. 249. We searched fruitlessly for thirty minutes until I had a third-degree sunburn on my bald spot. 250. Within years, biologists observed with some surprise the return of scores of striped bass, alewives, American shad, Atlantic salmon, sturgeon, ospreys, kingfishers , cormorants and bald eagles. 251. A herd of bighorn sheep joined us for breakfast. Bald and golden eagles glared at us from their perches as American dippers flitted from rock to rock. 252. We often tease John about his bald head but he takes it in good part. 253. A suppressed smile appeare notd on the bald man's expression while I watched with incredulity. 254. Nowadays, even after two strips in 1999 and 2004, the scale of China non-performing asset is still tremendous while the disposition means are bald. 255. When the bald photographer and his cortege arrive at her courtyard it is locked, because her family isn't at home, so she can't receive male guests. 256. Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared. 257. A bald man with bushy side-whiskers frowned down from a window with her father's frown, and for an instant looked so much like Lord Tywin that she stumbled. 258. The Czech Government had been informed in bald terms on the evening of the twenty - eighth. 259. Her fingers tangled with the grey-black hair laying open the bald patch. 260. A court is not bound to credit bald assertions, unsupportable conclusions, and opprobrious epithets woven into the fabric of the complaint. 261. Colonel Pastukhov, is a bald, barnacled veteran of 35 years in State Security. 262. A suppressed smile appeared on the bald man's face while I watched with incredulity. 263. A specialized respiratory root structure in certain aquatic plants, such as the bald cypress. 264. It is a large, black vulture with patches of white on the underside of the wings and a largely bald head with skin color ranging from yellowish to a bright red, depending on the bird's mood. 265. We were able to see American bald eagle, racoon , snow leopard, and a three-legged bear. 266. Tinea capitis is manifested by pustular eruptions of the scalp, with scaling and bald patches. 267. He has a theory that wearing hats makes man bald. 268. In the UK, the gustation boffins have even created a persuasive website showing a photograph of a bald man smiling at a pile of yams. 269. He removed his hat to reveal a glowing Bald pate.