快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree. 2. The patient's face twisted up with pain. 3. She absently twisted her wedding ring. 4. The boy twisted the top off the bottle. 5. She twisted her hair into a tight knot. 6. He twisted around to see what was happening. 7. His mouth twisted into a wry smile. 8. He twisted his body painfully. 9. String is made of threads twisted together. 10. The patient twisted about in pain. 11. She twisted many threads to make this rope. 12. I twisted the bandage round her knee. 13. I twisted my ankle. 14. The trees were all bent and twisted from the wind. 15. Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head. 16. Suddenly the snake twisted. 17. He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her. 18. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process . 19. Her mouth was twisted out of shape by grief. 20. His mouth twisted in a humourless smile. 21. The strong rope is twisted from 4 ropes. 22. She twisted the top off the bottle. 23. I twisted an apple off the tree. 24. Sophia's face twisted in pain. 25. Someone has twisted off the flower heads. 26. Failure left her bitter and twisted. 27. He grabbed her wrist but she twisted it free. 28. I twisted the bandage round his leg. 29. The bomb left a pile of jagged glass and twisted metal. 30. The biggest branch has grown away from the trunk in a strange twisted shape.