快好知 kuaihz

1. He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country. 2. Several embassy staff were declared persona non grata and asked to leave the country within 48 hours. 3. On stage, the actor adopts a fictitious persona. 4. Their ambassador was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country. 5. The government has declared the French ambassador persona non grata and ordered him to leave the country. 6. He had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona. 7. Joel has a cheerful public persona but in private he's different. 8. His public persona is quite different from the private family man described in the book. 9. Self-deprecation is a calculated part of his public persona. 10. Green's on-screen persona is cute and innocent. 11. He created a skirt-chasing bon vivant persona for himself. 12. Alexander was persona non grata in the Rosenthal residence. 13. The change says a lot about the persona he was already being driven into. 14. After the court case he found himself persona non grata in the business community. 15. However, even in monolinguals, dramatic changes of persona are quite possible. 16. His lack of charisma and often unhappy persona will contrast sharply with Mandela's awesome humility, humour and stern paternalism. 17. Davis was persona non grata with the authorities, but his wife was not. 18. In the meantime, he has created a persona called the Fashion Director, who recommends good buys. 19. From the look on their faces, I was obviously persona non grata. 20. He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning! 21. Who was there here who knew her well enough to discern and identify any flaws in her own polished public persona? 22. When we first started we were sick of the way many groups would adopt a cool persona for interviews. 23. But for readers who have some acquaintance with the complexity of the composer's persona, it is a page-turner. 24. And what function do we accord, then, to Hitler's public persona in explaining the process which led to Auschwitz? 25. It was part of the naturalness of his public persona. 26. But the fiction is that which denies the living creature which became the plaintiff a persona in the period prior to birth. 27. They say Alexander is as down-to-earth and folksy as his public persona. 28. In flaccid prose Shaftesbury rambles on with an air of affected conversational ease which projects the persona of the patronising aristocrat. 29. Ted Turner, the television buccaneer who gave a brash persona to the New South. 30. My own approach is not biographical, and assumes neither a clear-cut persona nor a narrative sequence.