快好知 kuaihz

31. The most direct financial incentive to prevent rubbish is to charge people by the amount of rubbish they put out. 32. Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill. 33. Tis easier to prevent bad hadits than to breadk them. 34. The crux of the matter is how do we prevent a flood occurring again? 35. To prevent flooding; we shall have to divert the river from its course. 36. My only idea was to prevent the woman from speaking. 37. The police are increasing their efforts to prevent car thefts and subsequent ram-raiding. 38. Ways must be found to prevent the poisonous gases from polluting the air. 39. The classmates' hearts ached for him and they begged him to wear gloves to prevent any more gashes. 40. She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information. 41. Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation. 42. It is the job of the police to prevent crime. 43. The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation. 44. We should prevent others cashing in before we've time to market the product. 45. MPs were urged to amend the law to prevent another oil tanker disaster. 46. Vitamin K is routinely given in the first week of life to prevent bleeding. 47. The firm uses electronic filters to prevent workers from accessing the Internet. 48. The house has been barred and bolted to prevent re-entry. 49. I'm trying to prevent the reversion of my garden to nature. 50. She tried to prevent her work from encroaching too far on her private life. 51. The country sealed its borders to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants. 52. I have to wear a petticoat under this skirt to prevent it from riding up when I move. 53. The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality. 54. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking. 55. Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion. 56. They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza. 57. It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping. 58. Dressings are changed four hourly to help prevent infection. 59. Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing. 60. Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping.